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Cévon P.O.V
I held my brother in my arms as he slowly died, blood pouring out of him at a rapid speed. I held him close to me as I sat on my living room floor crying.

"P-Please man. You're all I got left," I said shaking him as he coughed up blood staring at me. "I'm begging you man. You my big brother you can't just leave me. The ambulance is coming nigga don't die!"

He reached up placing his hand on my face and gave me a small smile before his hand dropped and he stopped moving.

"Cash? Cash?! No. N-No please!" I yelled as I felt his pulse. Nothing...

I held him close to me as I cried. My brother. My best friend. My dad in a way. My whole fucking world was now gone.

My brother Cashius was the only person that took care of me. Even at a young age, he was making sure I was good before my mother did. He was 6 years older than me, but he was always so mature. When we were kids imagine a baby himself having to steal food and cook for his younger brother. Our momma was a crackhead so the only shit she did was sleep on the couch, fuck niggas in front of us, and get high. That bitch don't care about us at all. She had us young too with a real old ass nigga. We never met him though.

My momma even tried to sell me once for some crack to this sick nigga that "wanted a night with me". My brother took a bat and beat the fuck outta that nigga. He's always protected me. He was the nicest and smartest nigga I knew. He talked to me about sex and taught me how to be a man. Never to put my hands on a women and just everything you needed to know. When I got sick he took care of me and made sure I was ok.

He was my dad for real, but I called him my brother because that's what he was. There was no one I loved more in this world than him and someone took him from me.

I could hear banging on the front door making me gently lay him down. I got up quickly and ran to the door letting the paramedics in. They ran inside and immediately starting checking my brother doing a bunch of shit I didn't understand. I blew out air in frustration putting my hands on my head looking at him on the floor.

"Sir, I'm sorry, bu-,"

"D-Don't say it," I spoke dropping to my knees and holding him again. I kissed his head before looking straight ahead at my wall.

He's really gone...
I hopped out of my bed and sighed stretching. I really don't feel like going outside today. I can't make any money if I don't though. After my brother died a few years ago I turned to a life a crime. I found a new family in the streets and found that in one person in particular. His name was Itrez. We were the same age, but that was my brother for real. I had known him for a while because of school and growing up in the same block and shit, but once I made it out to the streets he was the first person there for me.

At first it seemed like he ain't wanna put me down with the OG, but now we couldn't do a drop without eachother. I trusted him and he trusted me. He was one of the only people I trusted. Well kinda. Shit I didn't even trust myself completely. I still lived in the house I had with my brother. I couldn't leave this place. It was all I knew. The new family I made out here was all about protecting the family at any cost.

Any cost. I had to learn that myself eventually.

I remember the day I caught my first body. Nigga was about to sneak Itrez and shoot him so I pulled my trigger first. Our OG had a clean up crew along with with fall guys, but I didn't even need that. Nobody was looking for that nigga. He didn't have anyone.

Shits different for me though. I know if some happen to me Itrez gone be on that. That's my fucking brother.

The day I killed that nigga though I couldn't stop throwing up. I thought about how I was no better than that nigga that killed my brother. I was a murderer and that's all I would ever be. I hated that shit.

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