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Cordell P.O.V
I sniffed covering myself with my blanket as I was now kinda sick from sleeping in the cold in my car. It's been a little while now and I honestly was used to it. I just hate the fact that I got sick. I sat up and tried to turn the other way, but froze when I heard someone knowing on my window. I sat up slowly and looked out the window seeing Nori standing there confused. I should just ignore her. I don't even want her to see me like this. I sat back sighing wondering why she was even knocking on my car window. Did she remember this was my car?

"Dell you in here?" I heard her say making me sigh. So she does.

I removed the cover form my window and rolled my window down looking at her.

"Hey," I greeted as she looked at me with sympathy.

"What's going on with you? Why are you out here and not in yo house?" She asked me as I sighed.

"I'm sure he told you what happened and after that I decided to drop my flag so they jumped me out and told me never to show my face again. So I grabbed all my shit and I've been living in my car. How is Cévon doing? Is ok does he need anything or is he-,"

"You two are complete shít without eachother. That nigga has been drinking and smoking his life away Dell. Now you living in yo car? Call him," she spoke making me roll my eyes.

"I have. He won't respond so I just gave up. I've been texting calling a everything and he doesn't answer. We're over Nori. I've even went to his house and everything, but he won't open the door. It's fine though and I'll be ok just please whatever you do don't tell him that I'm living in my car. Please? I DONT want him or anyone else to know and I don't want that to be the reason he calls me not that I think he would," I told her as she squinted her eye sat me.

"You don't think he would call you if he found out that you were living in yo car? You must not know how much that nigga truly loves you. He dropped his flag, set that shit on fire in front of Og, said fuck West side, and he made a promise to not kill yo brother. Because he loves you he's gone spare that nigga life. You two are meant to be an-,"

"It's gone take some big crazy ass event to happen for him to want to even talk to me. Like I said he's not answering me so maybe we're not that meant to be," I told her as she nodded her head.

"Is Og dying a big enough event?" She asked me making me look at her confused.

"He's dead? You just sai-,"

"Yea and a few days later Arvo his boyfriend found him dead after meeting with some east side niggas. Word has it that he's tryna set Cévon and maybe even you up for all of the money from that shit y'all did for the Germans. So he got east side in on for some money. We don't know what niggas exactly because this is word of ear, but they were wearing white and then right after the meeting he's dead. So west side is saying that it's east side, but even if it was those niggas are already supposedly coming for Cévon. I know you not cool with them anymore, but if you could at least talk to yo brother and see what's going on? It's about to be a fucking war," she spoke making me heart feel weird hearing her say that.

Did these niggas really kill him? What the fuck? And why was he tryna set Cévon up? I thought that was his right hand man. Is money really that important to him?

"Does Cev know?" I asked her as she nodded her head.

"Of course. He's the one who told me. Just please be safe and make sure you try to get into contact with them," she spoke. "I hope everything turns out ok for you Dell. I'm moving in a few weeks to New York and I hope everything goes good for you. See you Dell,"

"See you Nori. Thanks," I spoke rolling my window back up and sighing. I picked up my phone and went to my brothers contact unblocking him before clicking on the call icon. It rang for a minute before hanging up making me sigh. I called him back again still not getting an answer. I'll try again tomorrow.

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