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Cordell P.O.V
I laid down on my couch watching tv as I held an ice pack on my face. My shit was hurting like a bitch. That nigga hits hard as fuck. I wasn't even tryna fight that nigga, but I got irritated with him after he said that shit in the car. I don't think I'm better than anyone I just don't think the first thing we gotta do is resort to murdering someone over some dumb shit. He of people should understand that since his brother got killed. Why am I tryna be better than him? Then he's mad because I'm a happy person?! Like what the fuck? I don't always have some witty comeback or advice to give. I don't think I'm cool or better than anyone, I'm just a playful perosn. It's just how I am. He doesn't even know me personally so he can't judge me.

He only sees how I act when he's screaming insults or trying to rile me up. So of course I laugh in his face and make jokes and shit just to diffuse the situation because I don't wanna be the reason niggas start beefing and shit. If I have to defend myself that's different, but I don't wanna be the cause of anything. That's not me. My brother on the other half...

I heard a knock on my front door making me get up slowly to answer the door. He scratched my fucking back up. Good thing I didn't have any gashes though.

I opened the door seeing my brother standing there making me open the door and letting him into the house. I got back on my couch. Looking at my brother as he sat down staring at me.

"What the fuck happens to your face nigga?" He asked me as I sighed.

"Obviously I got into a fight," I told him.

"Obviously you got to fucking ass beat. You the fuck beat yo big ass up! You too tall and big to be loosing fights my nigga!" He spoke as I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't lose. It was a tie. I had that nigga leaking too so shut the fuck yo, but it's whatever now. We filó Uhh the and it's over," I told him.

"Where y'all fight at and what he fuck was it?" He asked me a si sighed.

"It was at P house. It don't matter who it was it's over now," I spoke as he chuckled.

"Nigga, how you just gone let a nigga put hands on you and not retaliate. Are you dumb my nigga?! You gotta show that nigga who's boss because then they gone start thinking us east side niggas soft. Who the fuck was it?" He asked me again as I shook my head.

"I'm good bruh," I spoke sighing.

"Imma find out in my own. I don't know why the fuck you would ever be tryna protect them faggot ass niggas! They need to be taught a lesson ain't nobody gonna just put they hands on my baby brother and get away with it! Are you dumb?" He asked me as I ignored him.

"It's not that deep. I started it anyway," I told him as he scoffed.

"Yea and you should have finished it my nigga! I'm about to go fuck or something cause I can't deal with yo soft ass stressing me out! If you wasn't ready to catch a body then you shouldn't have never joking this gang life dumb nigga! You begged me to put you own and I did and now look at you! Mad cause ma ain't talking to you and now you scared to go run up on a nigga that touched you! You be letting do whatever they want to you. You should have murdered that nigga and made an example outta him soft ass! You ain't never even caught a body before yet you wanna be in the street life! I'm yo brother and I'm not about to let nobody put they hands on you my nigga! I'm just not! Go seem this shit and I want my money too pussy. I guess I gotta treat you like my runners now huh Dell?" He asked me throwing a big bag of weed at me before walking out of the house.

I looked at the door and sighed closing my eyes.

It was true. I've never killed anyone and I didn't plan on doing it. I joined this life because I saw my brother doing it and watched how fast he made money while doing that shit. It was so fast to me and I was tired of leaving in poverty. So one day I stole some weed from him and sold that shit making enough money to buy some shoes I really wanted. Then my brother found out and I came clean telling him what I did. I was quick, clean, and nobody suspected I was doing anything. So when he told me about how he got it and how much faster it would be if I got he product myself and did I asked him to put me on not knowing what it meant.

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