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Cévon P.O.V
I took a big swig outta my bottle of alcohol while I smoked my blunt. I had music playing as I sat on my couch drinking and smoking my life away. I didn't have shít else to do. Itrez had been doing shit for TaTa as he should and Nori was getting shít situated with her girl about moving and shit. The person I had to do shit with is no longer with me. Maybe it's better like this. I'll just go back to it hat person i was before. That mean ass unhappy ass person since it seems like that's what the universe wants me to be any way. I sighed sitting back looking at my tattoo on my arm that read Cash's name and birthday. I had so many tattoos, but the ones about my brother were my favorite.

Fuck man. I had blocked that nigga in everything too, but now that I've been drinking I wanted to call him so fucking bad, but of course k wasn't going to. We needed to stay away from eachother and I didn't even care if I turned back into that old person anymore. I low key deserve this shit. I'm not shit myself. Fuck I'm drunk as fuck. I finished off the bottle before throwing it into my kitchen hearing it break making me shrug harshly and sit on the couch.

"I DONT CARE!" I yelled at the bottle before hitting my blunt. I'm losing it. Fuck I'm drunk as shit. I'm so horny now. I don't even wanna fuck no female I want some dick and that's a crazy ass statement. I'm all over the fucking place. I'm just gone fuck myself. I need to buy a dildo or something. Nah I'm actually gay...

I stood up wobbling a bit before catching myself and taking a deep breath. I walked out of my front door watching as that family small lightskin nigga walked over to me. What was his name? Atreus, Artemia, Arvin, Atlantis.

"Why you at my house?" I asked him as he sighed looking at me.

"You drunk?" He asked me as I stuck up my middle finger.

"No duhhhh. Why you here at my place like this? How you even find out here I live? You the feds nigga cause I'll shoot you?" I slurred as he pushed me I to my house closing and locking my door behind him.

"I don't know if you can even understand me, but Og is setting you up. He told the Russians not to give you any money. Not to give any of money to you or any of us," he spoke making me sigh and roll my eyes.

"I don't know Whatchu want me to do. I don't know ven give a fuck no more my nigga. Take that shit up with him," I told him hiccuping before closing my eyes.

"Cévon! You have to pay attention. Not only is he robbing us, but he's also tryna to send me back and he wants to k-,"

"So that's why you here so I can keep him from giving you back to that Nazi? You gotta figure that out on your own," I spoke as he sighed.

"No Cévon! No! You not listening to me. It's not just that. He wants to kill You too and he's making plans to kill you. You only have three days maybe less until he gets that money and sends me back to Adal! I risked my life to come here and tell you this, but I have a plan that i wanted you to be informed of. I have a friend who I called that-,"

"I don't really care bro. Just leave me alone. I don't care about who's coming and I don't care about the money. I ju-,"

"Cévon shut up and let me tell you! I have a friend who I know that is closely tied in with the Yakuza. He's my best friend I guess you could say and he's gonna help us. He's going to talk to the Russians and buy out the other people. The leader of the Russians with the drug is close friends with the Yakuza so when he gets the money it'll go directly us and it'll be much more because the Yakuza aren't cheap. For now I just need you and your family to lay low and you need to go to Og the date you told him and act upset so he doesn't think something's going on. He knows that you wouldn't forget about your money. I'm only telling you this so you can have a heads up and watch your back. When I find out more info I'll tell you. I don't know who he's planning on sending your way in these next few weeks, but just be careful," he spoke making me sit up and sigh.

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