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Cordell P.O.V
I put my clothes for the day on as Cévon sat on his bed dragging his hands down his face.

"You good?" I asked him as he looked up at me before looking back down at his phone. "You know it won't kill You to be nice to me or have a conversation with me. Like P said I'm not a bad person to be around,"

"Cordell, can we not do this here? We have a lot of shit to worry about and being friends is at the bottom of my list," he spoke as I nodded my head.

"Yea, but shouldn't we at least be cool so that we can be willing to help eachother out and be friends? We gotta rely on each other heavy for this shit so may-,"

"Aight nigga damn we coo. Just...stop bothering me," he spoke sighing before standing up and going to the door.

"So mean," I mumbled watching as Ángel walked in in with Adal.

"I have to go make a little stop. Angel will be here with you to entertain you. You can watch or tune them out. Please don't leave this room," Adal spoke pushing Angel into the room. He had a red face and looked like he had been crying, but was wearing his best poker face.

"Aight. Then later we gone get this shit put in my truck right? I don't wanna be here all week," Cévon spoke making me look overt at him.

"I think you can wait a little bit longer. I have some more product coming in, but when I get back today I do expect for us to go over exactly what you'll be doing and where you'll be going," he spoke as Cévon sighed walking back over to his bed and sat down.

"Fick ihn gut Angel," Adal spoke smacking his ass before walking out of the room. I watched as Angel blow out a breath of relief as I tear fell from his eye. He quickly wiped it before sitting down in a chair.

"Are you ok?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"I wanna go back. I hate being here. The only reason I came back was to help y'all and OG. I love that man so much and he's done so much for me I wanted to help, but this is too much. I left the first time for a reason and I'm only back now to help. He thinks I'm back because I missed him and couldn't make it on my own. I hate it here," he spoke agitated.

"He's still having you be a prostitute?" Cévon asked him as he nodded his head.

"Yea. Why you think I'm here? You aren't the only one he's sent me to either and they actually want me. It's so disgusting and I hate, but OG asked me to help so I am," he spoke sadly.

"Does he know about your past?" I asked him as he nodded his head.

"He's the one who saved me. He got me out of here and promised me that I would never have to sell my body again and I've been with him every since. I'm in love with him as he loves me. He was having a meeting with Adal about something when he saw me. He couldn't keep his eyes off of me and requested that I be sent to his room. He didn't make me have sex with him though. He promised to get me out of here and he did and I moved in with him right after. Then we fell in love and I've been by his side," he spoke lowly as I looked at him.

"So he knows your history and still sent you back here? I could never do that to someone I love. He knows how this was on your mental and your body and still sent you in here," I said to him as he sighed.

"He just needed my help. He helped me so I owed him. He's giving me a cut of his money too, but I really helped him because he helped me and then he asked me to come back here to help since I was here originally. He's done everything for me, so I wanted to give back," he spoke sadly looking at us.

"Why you telling us this shit?" Cévon asked him.

"Look, I just want you to make sure I leave again. I can't be stuck here," he spoke as Cévon sighed.

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