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Cordell P.O.V
Today was my birthday. I'm officially 25 and I feel like I'm old as shit now. I just know Cev is about to talk shit to me about me being old cause last night he already started. He stayed up til 12 with me and got drunk as fuck. I mean we We're throwing shots back like it was water. It was just us though. Perfect way to bring in my birthday.

Now here I was walking it it he kitchen seeing Cev in the kitchen making tow plates of breakfast. He Cooke for me?

"Uh...I hope this shit not corny, but I made you breakfast and I put some shit on it, but now that you actually standing here I feel embarrassed so go sit down so I can take it off," he spoke making me chuckle and walk over to him.

"Lemme read it," I said looking at the pancakes.

"No, get outta here," he spoke making me walk closer and stand behind him so his back was touching my chest.

"Lemme see Cev," I said to him resting my chin on his head. I looked down at the pancakes that had Happy B-Day written in chocolate sauce making me chuckle.

"It's stupid...," he mumbled pushing me off of him and grabbing his plate.

"No it's not Cev. It's honestly really sweet. Thank you my baby," I told him kissing his cheek making him pull me back and tenderly kiss my lips.

"Happy birthday...again," he spoke chuckling making me smile at him.

"Thank you Cev and thank you for my breakfast too. You gone be busy today?" I asked him as he looked at me like I was crazy.

"It's yo birthday. Why would I be doing anything, but chilling with you? I wouldn't even leave Itrez and Nori. We gotta do something. Whatchu tryna do today?" He asked me eating a piece of bacon.

"I don't know. I never do anything for my birthday. Like I used to just...never mind. I don't normally do anything on my birthday so whatever you wanna do is fine. We could just order in and buy some food and liquor or something," I told him as he squinted his eyes at me.

"What was you about to say?" He asks me making me shake my head.

"Nothing baby. Don't worry about it," I told him chuckling as he got up and walked over to me. "Don't start yo shit Cévon,"

"You about to say you normally fuck P?" He spoke as I sighed.

"That's why I didn't say it because I knew you were gonna get upset. I didn't say that so relax," I replied as he nodded his head.

"Always talking about P. P this, P that, like go be wit P for yo birthday then," he spoke walking back to his food.

"Aight imma leave then," I told him not being serious. Watch this...

"If you walk out that door I promise yo knee caps coming off," he told me making me laugh at him which caused him to laugh too.

"All the way off Cev? What the fuck?" I laughed as he smiled at me.

"Don't play wit me nigga. Anyway, you want it to just be us or you want me to invite some people. More lien Itrez and Nori and probably they people," he spoke making me smirk at him.

"Like a triple date?" I asked him eating one of my pancakes after folding it up. I'm a big man.

"No. We not dating," he told me making me smack my lips.

"You ain't been my boyfriend for the past week?" I asked him chuckling as he shook his head. "So if-,"

"Cordell, make it to 26. I guess you my nigga, but don't be telling the whole world. I know imma prize, but still," he spoke trying not to smile making me smile.

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