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Cévon P.O.V
I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep before this eventful ass day that we were about to have tomorrow. I sta up cracking my window before taking my shirt off as my body became hot. When I get anxious or nervous I get real hot like right now. I was anxious as fuck. I just wanted to get the fuck outta here. I looked over at Cordell who was peacefully sleeping making me sigh.

Now is one of those times I wish he would say some stupid shít to annoy me so it would take my mind off of this shit. I should wake his hoe ass up since he's always fucking with me. He looks like he's enjoying his sleep though. Fuck I just need a distraction.

"Cordell...Cordell...Cordell," I said waiting a minute between each time I said his name. Still no answer. "Cordell bro...,"

Fuck it. I sighed laying down in the bed looking at the ceiling. What if that nigga is setting us up or some shit? What if we get caught? How the fuck we gone make it out with that shit? How are we even gonna get that shit from down there?! I'm at a fucking stand still.

"Were you just calling me?" I heard in a low and sleepy tone making me look over at Cordell. Finally bitch.

"No. Go to sleep," I spoke making him smack his lips.

"I heard you calling me. I thought it was a dream at first then I heard yo ass say that last line before sighing. I knew that was to angry ass," he spoke making me roll my eyes.

"Ain't no body angry you big bitch. Go to sleep," I spoke still playing clueless.

"I know you called me. I'm up now though so what do you want? You just need to talk or something?" He asked me as I shrugged.

"I don't know why I called you," I mumbled as he got out of his bed taking a sip of his water. He had on no shirt and some shorts. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to me.

"You nervous? Cause I ain't never seen you this...I don't even know how to describe it," he spoke chuckling as I shook my head.

"Not really nervous. More anxious. I'm just ready to get this shit over with. My mind wouldn't stop racing and I knew yo annoying ass would have a solution or either talk me to death or just distract me. You can go to sleep though. I shouldn't have even woke you up. My bad," I spoke looking at him.

"All I'm hearing is that you needed me for the second time? I'm two for two Cev," he spoke laughing making me roll my eyes.

"Get off my bed. Fuck you," I spoke as he laughed at me.

"Chill. Why you so hard body? I'm just joking around with you," he replied as I shrugged looking down. "What do you Wanna talk about that's gone clear yo mind?"

"I don't know niggas that's why I woke you up! You supposed to tell me," I told him as he chuckled.

"Well...are you gone go back to hating me when we get outta here or are we gone remain friends?" He asked me as I rolled my eyes.

"We're not friends now nigga. Cool? Yea. We was never friends though. I guess I ain't got no problems with you if you ain't got no problems with me. I ain't gome kill you or none," I told him as he sighed shaking his head.

"You cnat be nice?" He asked me with a small smile.

"That wasn't nice?! What I say? I didn't say shit. We not friends, but we coo. That's how I started off wit Itrez. We was coo and then...yea. I don't know you though and you still from the east side even though you not a bad dude, but that's how I start my friendships. I'm not even friends with P," I explained to him as he nodded his head. Is he slow? Who just jumps straight into a friendship? That is just crazy to me and I'll never understand it.

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