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Cordell P.O.V
I woke to the sound of my phone ringing making me groan confused. I picked up the phone and answered it without looking at who was calling.


"Yo wassup brother man in law,"

"Can you even still call me that? I feel like I'm single. Wassup though?"

"Y'all not broken up sad ass nigga. Look the picnic today you forgot? You still coming nigga so be there and bring some pop or something,"

"I don't think I'm coming man. It obvious he doesn't wanna be around him and I don't wanna make him uncomfortable any more than I already have obviously,"

"Nigga if you don't bring yo ass to this fucking picnic and talk to yo dumb ass boyfriend. Bring yo ass," he spoke before hanging up the phone making me sigh. I guess I'm going to a picnic today.

I sighed getting out of the bed before walking into my bathroom to pee. It's been a whole ass week now do this Nigga ignoring me and honestly I can't even say I'm too shocked. I'm more pissed off the man confused and shocked. I mean he did it after we kissed and ghosted me for over a month, now we had sex and this nigga dubbed me again. I don't know I lowkey thought that because he was my boyfriend and he claimed to love me that he wouldn't. Especially after he said he was running from me anymore.

I just should have prepared myself.  He's not serious about me and I see that now. I was just gonna leave him alone and mind my business, but now seeing as if I gotta go this picnic I might as well cuss him out and then go about my day. I don't wanna keep playing hide and seek with him that doesn't make sense. We're supposed to be together yet he acts like I'm just one of his hoes. I'm not wee in a relationship yet he keeps playing with me. Even if he felt a way after the sex he could have expressed that to me instead on ghosting.

We're too ducking old to be doing that shit and I'm tired of people running over me quite frankly. Cause I'm nice and shít everyone just thinks they do whatever to me like I don't have feelings myself. What about me? What about how I feel? What about what I need? No one ever seems to fucking care and I hate that shit.

I love Cévon, but I not gone let him run over me any more. If you wanna ignore me and shit imma say my piece today and go about my life. I want him more than anything, but if he doesn't want me then that's all he has to say and I promise I'll leave him alone because his happiness. Is all that matters to me. It fucking sucks that it's come done to this with him, but he can't just ignore me like a child. I felt like he wasn't even mad at what I said and something else happened. Cause what i said was a joke and it wasn't even nothing crazy. I called him clingy as a joke because he ALWAYS says that to me. I say it back and he just says fuck me. I guess I'll just go back to being single. Seems like that's what he wants.

I'm so fucking pissed. Like I love you and this is how you do me? You supposedly love me and that's what you do me?

Be fucking for real.

I turned my hot water on in my shower and stripped outta my clothes stealing in so I could take a quick shower. I washed up and then got out going over to my mirror and sink. I brushed my teeth and then looked at my hair in the mirror. I needed a cut. I'll get one before the park today.

I walked into my room and got dressed after drying off. I spreader some cologne freezing for a second. Damn, this is the one he bought me now I smell him.

I'm so fucking stupid. I wanna change my clothes, but honestly I miss him so this smell is actually comforting to me. I miss him.

I put my shoes on and checked my self out in the mirror before walking outta my front door with my shit. I got into my car and started it up before pulling out of the driveway and heading to the shop. I turned on some music and looked at the clock on my radio.

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