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Arvo P.O.V
I sighed walking to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I've really been involved in some fucked up shit. I splashed some water on my face hoping to get the blood off as quickly as possible grabbing sabe of dove soap and a wash rag. I kept scrubbing until my face was clean and looked at my appearance again. I need to get out of here.

Og, hasn't been the same man that I fell in love with. When he first saved me he took good care of me and reassured me that I would never have to see that man again. I guess for money though I don't matter. I couldn't if he sent back I got he very place he pulled me out from. If it wasn't for Cévon then I would still be there right now. Once Og got what he wanted he wouldn't need me anymore. Which is how I feel right now.

The only time he's been really talking to me lately is for sex. When I want to go with him to something as simple as a store he tells me no, no more dates, no cuddling...I think he only saved me because he knew that I would come in handy later. The love I had for this man was indescribable, but I felt like he didn't love me any more and it hurt. I mean for the first time he had actually put his hands on me. It was a week ago and after Cévon left he took his anger out in me...

I'm not the biggest person in the world. I'm short and I'm small so it's not hard for anyone to over power and he used that to his advantage.

He's been so mean to me lately and I don't know why.

He just killed a man in front of me and got his blood on my face which is what I had to clean off. I hated seeing stuff like that, but he's always made me watch it anyway. I would never understand why.

"Arvo!" I head making me jump and run out of the bathroom to meet him.

"Y-Yes?" I answered quickly so he didn't have to look for me. I'm very obedient...

"Why did you run out of there like that? Are you fucking stupid!? Don't ever do that shit again. Got niggas thinking that you running to tell cause you can't handle shít. You gone snitch on me Arvo?" He asked me choking me harshly making me grab at his arm as he lifted me up. "Huh?"

"N-No!" I choked out as he let me go causing me to fall to the floor. I grabbed my neck breathing hard as he just looked at me before sitting down on the bed. "Why do you hate me? I've dealt with abuse my whole life and for the first time ever I didn't experience that with you! You saved my life and told me I would be your forever love, but now all you do is abuse me! I didn't even do anything wrong. I told you I don't wanna see someone dying yet you force me to watch anyway. You're no better than him. Ich hätte einfach bei ihm bleiben sollen...,"

"You think I give a fuck about your sob story? I already bought your little friend a plane ticket to where she wanted to go and I'm just this horrible person right? Well then be my guest and just fucking leave Arvo. I don't need you anymore. You've served your purpose with me anyway. Leave," he spoke making me grow anxious.

"I don't have anywhere to go...," I told him as he chuckled nodding his head.

"Then SHUT THE FUCK UP! You not shít without me and you know that. I'm all you fucking have nigga. I'm all you fucking know and I'll be the only thing you ever know! You don't know shit, but me! If you leave where you gone go? You gone stay with Cévon?" He yelled at me as I cried. "Here now,"

I stood up to walk, but stopped when he snapped at me.

"Crawl," he replied making me get back down and crawl over to him. "I'm all you have Arvo. Without me you'll be nothing. You were nothing, but a prostitute when I met you, but look at you now. Living in a mansion, going to fancy dinners, buying whatever you want on my expense, yet you wanna complain? I don't need you Arvo. There are a million different males and females that would love to have your spot. I have a few already line up and trust me when I say the sex with them is way better. You know Zaria that helps you with your clothes? Fucked her last night and her pussy is so much better than yours. You can easily replaced little one. Do you understand me?" He asked me as I looked down at his feet crying.

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