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Cordell P.O.V
I sighed putting my face more into Cévon's neck as he slept in the bed next to me. I had my arms him and was gently rubbing his side as he slept.

He moved in he sleep making me open my eyes and lol at his face which was frowned up. I placed some kisses on his shoulders seeing him tense up before breathing hard.

"Cev, wake up baby. You having a bad dream," I woke sitting up as he ignored me and continue to sleep. "Come Cev,"

"Please...," he whispered still sleep making me shake him gently again.

"Wake up," I spoke again watching as he sat up quickly hyperventilating and holding onto his neck and chest. "Cev?"

He stood up out of the bed, but was too wobbly and panicky so he didn't make it far. He backed up against the wall sitting there breathing hard with tears falling.

"Hey. You ok. It was just a dream," I told him as he ignored me freaking out. I got out of the bed and got next to him watching as he tried to get away from me quickly making me grab him and look at him concerned. "No, no, no. Hey look it's just me. Breathe Cévon. You were having a bad dream ok? You were sleeping it wasn't real. Comere. Shhh I gotchu,"

He moved into my embrace slowly as I held him close to me rubbing his head. He moved out of my embrace and laid his head down on my lap making me sigh and rub his arm. We staid like that for about 30 minutes until he was finally calm and cleared his voice.

"Thanks," he mumbled making me give him a small smile.

"Of course. Don't thank me though. I'm doing what I'm here for," I told him as he nodded his head.

"Cordell, you not gonna hurt me right?" He asked me as I shook my head.

"Of course not baby. I would never. Why are you asking me that? You had that dream again?" I asked him concerned as he nodded his head.

"It happens so often and it's so vivid and life like. You shoot me two times and then you choke me out. It makes me nervous to be around you. Like what if this is all a game and you playing me. What if you still east side and setting me up. It's not like I would know and honestly I don't even know if I would care. You make me feel so good now even if it's pretending I love it. I wouldn't even care you hurt me. If all-,"

"Stop talking like that Cev. I'm not a back door and I love you Cévon. I'm in love with you and you know that so don't play with me. I'm not gonna shoot you and I don't know why you keep having this dream, but it's not a sign that I'm gonna hurt you or back door you. I could never hurt my baby," I spoke sitting him up and pulling into my lap. He put his face in my chest as I held him close to me kissing his head.

"Can you take a shower with me?" He asked me in this small voice making me nod my head and slightly pout. I hate that he's going through this. I need to talk to Cortlen because this nigga is insane.

"Of course Cev. You wanna go now?" I asked him as he looked up at me watery and red eyes. "Imma order us some breakfast too. You need to eat. I'm not taking no for an answer,"

"Ok," he replied sitting up and wrapping his arms around me hugging me tightly. I managers to stand up while still holding him feeling him wrap his legs around me. I carried him into the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the shower.

"You getting down? We gotta take our clothes off," I spoke as he shook his head on my shoulder. I felt my shoulder getting wet letting me know he was crying. "Baby, look at me,"

He shook his head again making me walk over to the counter and sit him down on it. He still wouldn't let me go making me have to lean down as he sat there. I rubbed his back kissing his cheek as he sniffled.

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