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Cordell P.O.V
It was now October and Halloween as well as my birthday was coming up soon. I don't know what I wanted to do, but Joe stay as long as I was with Cev I didn't care. Shit between us had been smooth as fuck lately and I was happy about that. It started off a little rocky, but I got him back to his normal self and then he started to get more comfy. I haven't been really touchy feely with him still though because he was adamant about not liking that, but I have been stealing a few kisses here and there.

He acts like he hates it when I know he loves it. When I do touch him or kiss him his ass always starts stuttering before he frowns and puss he's me off of him. He may hate being touched and shit, but not when I do it. I get the picture he's tryna put up, but it won't work with me. I see right through it.

"Buy me this," Cev spoke holding up a case of sprite as we walked through Walmart together.

"Put it in there," I told him as he smiled at me.

"I can get what I want...?" He asked me as I chuckled nodding my head.

The past week I've been working like crazy. I got mad extra bread right now. I did it on purpose because I wanted to make sure I could take care of him. I know he tries to act like he hates that too, but he loves me taking care of him and being gentle with him. I'm not with that rough love shit just because he's a nigga. Nah he's getting king treatment. He's getting nothing, but soft love from me.

It's really niggas out here that think it's ok to hit they significant other just because they're the same sex like that makes it ok...it's still abuse and if we're together I don't wanna treat you rough anyway. We're not together, but that's still my baby. I'm working on it.

"You really my sugar daddy for real," he chuckled grabbing another case of root beer putting it into the basket. I rolled my eyes chuckling as he looked up at me. "Aye, you think that by the time you get yo beach house we gone still be...whatever this is?"

"Yea. You gone live with me? You don't need to build yo house next to mine," I told him laughing as he rolled his eyes.

"Nah, I got to so I can run away when you piss me off," he spoke making me chuckle.

"Imma just walk next door and go in and find you. Don't waste yo money on something that would never work. You keeping me away? Nah," I told him as he looked at me squinting his eyes.

"You real clingy," he spoke making me nod my head.

"And you love it so shut up," I told him as he picked me in my side hard as fuck making me hiss and jumó away from him as he tried to do it again.

"Don't tell me to shut up bitch! I'll fight you in this store," he spoke poking me again. I grabbed his arms and quickly pecked his lips making him stop picking me and just stand there. He looked around with a small smile on his face before growing quiet and walking behind me. That's what I thought.

"You went mute? What happened?" I asked him as he crossed his arms following me.

"Fuck you," he spat taking out his phone and answering it. Probably Itrez calling.

I tuned him out not wanting to eavesdrop on his convo and continue grabbing shit I needed for my house.

I grabbed a couple of bags of chips watching as he did the same putting it into my basket. I grabbed some cookie mix as well making sure I had everything I needed. I loved making cookies.

I would have to make sure I locked my door tight though because whenever I make them my brother just comes running and I hate it. That nigga is always invading my privacy and I hate that shit so much. I need to take my key back, but he's my brother and I don't wanna be a dick. I'll give him one more chance and if he disrespects my crib again I'll take it. He hasn't even really been around me that much lately. Like of course he still comes over and grabs food if I cooked or he'll listen to music with me and talk and shit, but it just hasn't been as often.

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