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Cévon P.O.V
"Brother man! Wassup wit it," Itrez spoke walking into my house with bags of food.

"Fuck you get all this food from?" I asked him as he chuckled.

"Well since Og got smoked I dropped my flag too and I picked up a second job. It's part time, but it's at BDubs cooking and shit. I don't know how I got that job, but they be letting me close up so I'm allowed to take food with me instead of throwing it out and I figured you would be Hi fry cause yo dumb ass been starving yoself.  Skinny bitch getting skinnier cause you depressed. If you don't call brother man-in-law over here and suck his dick from the back. That nigga it's do shit to you and he snitched on his blood. I would never snitch on you for TaTa. I mean Im in love with her and she having my daughter, but I couldn't do that to my own brother and we not even blood.  Yet he did and you still kicked that nigga out. If that was me I would fucked him or sum I don't know. That's some heavy shit and he love you that much to tell on him," he spoke sitting the bags down and rolling his eyes once a knock happened.

"Bitch do you ever be at home with yo bitch or eat yo own food?" He asked peeking through the crack of the door making Nori push the door open quickly making it hit Itrez. "Ouch Hoe!"

"That's what you get now stop talking to me. Hi Cev, how you feeling?" She asked me as I sat back shrugging.

"No he's not ok. He was just crying about brother man-in-law yet he not calling him. He starving himself too. I brought food though so eat up y'all. Imma eat with y'all and then I gotta dip cause she making me some cake tasting and shit early in the morning for this wedding and if I'm not up and ready she gone kill me. And I want some pussy," he spoke making Nori gag and roll her eyes.

"Don't nobody need to hear that shít. Yucky. Anyway. I leave in a few days. She has to be to work and I'm gonna be gone in New York. This shit is about to be so much fun. It's crazy though. I cnat believe I'm actually leaving," she spoke as he nodded his head.

"I know. Just like a female to ruin sum good...," he spoke making her put him in a head lock and him scream. I got up and walked to my room closing the door sitting down on my bed before laying back and turning away from my door.

My Lock Screen was still Cordell and I really did miss that nigga, but I just couldn't. It felt so weird and it's been so long now I doubt that he would even wanna be around me at all. I cussed him out told him he ain't mean shit to me and then threatened to kill him and his brother. Was he even thinking about me at all?

Well obviously he was since he called me, but I knew why. It's because Og was dead and I eat side niggas was blaming it all on east side niggas so ofcourse he was calling me. I wouldn't be surprised if his brother told him to especially since it seemed like he wanted a reason to kill me. He hasn't brought his ass over here to try and kill me so...I don't know.

I really love him though and I just that whatever is going on with him that he's ok. I heard he dropped his flag, but that's about it. Maybe I should just call him back, but I don't know.

I looked at my phone as it started ringing making me pick it up seeing it was Memphis.


"Cévon, your mom ran away from the rehab center do you know where she is? Or where she could possibly be?"

"The crack house most likely. I'll find her just...if she don't mean come with me I'm not forcing her and I'm done. I have enough fucked yo shit going on in my life and I'm still pissed at her for lying to me my whole life about you so just Gimmie a few imma go see her and she don't come with me. I'm done. I'll tell you where she is, but I'm done,"

"Thank you son. Her husband is really worried about her and just don't want her to be dead or anything. She needs help,"

"Yea...I'll hit you back if I find her there," I told him hanging up the phone before sighing and walking to the door. I saw Itrez standing there before I could even say anything making me look at him confused. "What?"

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