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Cordell P.O.V
I waited out front by the truck hoping he would come back soon. I hope he's ok in there. Him and Arvo. I really hope he didn't get caught and that we would be ok. I just wanted to deliver this shit and then go about my day. The quicker we did this the quicker I could deliver my shit, get home, and have my life go back to normal.

Not to mention the money we're about to get. We're gonna be paid.

"Where is your friend?" Adal asked me looking at me with a anxious and annoyed look.

"I don't know. Maybe he was nervous and had to shit," I don't him as he laughed before nodding his head.

"Ill go find him myself since you wanna play games with me. Do better!" He yelled at me before turning around and watching Cev, Angel, and that girl who's name I think is Keily walked out of the building and over to us. "Keily, what's that in your hands my love? And what took you two so long?"

"I have to go back inside. I'm very tired. Bye Cev," Angel spook waving at him before walking back inside.

"I had to shit. My bad. Let's go Cordell," he spoke looking at me as I looked at him confused.

"Why do you have that?" Adal asked Keily as she looked at him with a sad expression.

"Ich fand es," she spoke as he nodded his head.

"We'll just give it to me. It's very fragile," he spoke as she handed it to him, but knocked it out of his hand "accidentally" making it fall onto the floor and break. "NO! You dumb BITCH! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THAT COSTS ME!? ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID! Go inside and I'll deal with you later! You two leave now!"

That's my cue.

We got into the truck together and I started it up looking over at Cev.

"I'll explain later just drive," he mumbled looking around the truck. Yea it could be being monitored. He started driving around the roundabout and made it to the back where I slowed down to give Angel a chance to jump into the truck. He made it in and folded his small body up at the bottom of Cevs seat making him comfy. I watched as Keily did the same making me look confused.

"I though-,"

"What did I just say?" He spoke looking at me as they both covered their heads.

I started driving again and hit the road driving for a while before they finally decided it was safe. They got up since there was only one seat in between us that's where Keily sat while Angel sat on Cev's lap.

"Y'all can't switch or some shit? Why you can't sit on my lap? Why it gotta be him? I'm done playing gay," Cev spoke as Angel chuckled. "Fucks so funny?"

"You," he replied making Cev roll his eyes.

"How am i funny? What makes me funny?" He asked him as he looked at me before looking back at Cev.

"He's your boyfriend?" He asked Cev as he chuckled.

"Why would you think I'm gay if I told you I would pretend to be gay to get you out? That means I'm not really gay Arvo and if I was I definitely wouldn't be with this nigga," he spoke chuckling looking at him.

Ouch. That definitely hurt...

"Can we change the subject? What the fuck is going on? Why is there an extra person here now?" I asked them as they looked at me. "What? Somebody start explaining this shít cause this just got a whole lot more confusing. Can we not talk about it here?"

"No listening or cams in the truck. Fear they get caught or follow," Keily spoke lowly looking at me. I nodded my head looking at Cev who sighed.

"Look, she caught us putting the fake one back and had a gun to my head. I told her to put the gun down and she listened to me sitting it down. She asked to come with us if she helped us and I said no, but Arvo said that he trusts her and she's like his best friend or some shit. Adal apparently was doing them the same way if you catch my drift...Now she just made him believe that he basically just broke the tube with the shít himself so he won't care about it being gone because he knows that it's broken and no one can still it. She helped us so I'm helping her. She's leaving as soon as we get them back and staying with Arvo. He says he trusts her with her life and she ain't snitch or blow my head off when she could so I believed her," Cen spoke shrugging as I sighed dragging my hand down my face.

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