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Cévon P.O.V
I sat up and looked around the room feeling confused. This ain't my house.

I looked next to me and saw Cordell sleeping peacefully making me relax and lay back down. Cordell? How the fuck did I even get here? I wonder what happened last night. Last thing I remember is going to a party and drinking...oh yea then I called him.

I don't remember shit after that, but I hope I wasn't too embarrassing. I was drinking anything last night. I stood up noticing my closed were changed into basketball shorts and a white t. He changed me outta my jeans? Good shit.

I walked to his bathroom quietly not to wake him and opened up his medicine cabinet. I need some toothpaste. I saw pack of new toothbrushes in the cabinet making me mentally cheer as I grabbed the black one out and brushed my teeth. I used his mouth wash too. I could replace it if he gets upset. I out the little cap thing on my tooth brush and put it into the toothbrush holder before washing my face. Once I was done with my mini hygiene I walked back into the room seeing him now up and on his phone.

When I walked into the room he gave me a small smile waving at me.

"Good morning. You get some good rest?" He asked me standing up and stretching wildly making something move in his shorts. Is he free balling? Is that his dick?? Is my dick 8 inches yet his looks bigger?!

I wonder how that nigga P was taking that shit. He got a whole third leg and I'm not even exaggerating. His shit on soft too so I can only im-

Wait...why am I imagining that shit anyway? He's not fucking me ever!

"Y-Yea. I slept fine. I got drunk again...don't remember shit from last night you wanna give me a run down on any vital moments?" I asked him as he chuckled walking out of the room and into his bathroom.

"Nope," he spoke making me look at him confused.

"What nigga? You can't just say no! Tell me what the fuck happened," I said to him irritated now as he shook his head while brushing his teeth.

"You don't wanna know. You not gone do shit, but cuss me out and then leave for  another couple of months. You didn't do anything illegal not that you would care," he spoke being shady.

"Bitch just fucking tell me what I sai-,"

"You said that you liked me. That the only reason you ghosted me was to try and figure yourself out and to try and get over yo feelings for me at first. You got drunk and said fuck it though because you really missed me and hit me up to come get you from the party which is why you here. Then you told me I make you the happiest you've ever been since yo brother died and asked me if I was Asian, but proceeded to tel. Me how you couldn't stop thinking about the kiss and that we both had nigga lips," he spoke washing his face before walking back into the room.

"Well? Are you Asian?" I asked him lowly making him straight face me.

"See I'm not about to pl-,"

"I'm fucking with you Cordell. Chill out. You Japanese right? I remember asking you to speak it out you wouldn't," I told him as he nodded his head putting on his shoes. "Why you putting shoes on?"

"You don't wanna go home?" He asked me freezing making me shrug.

"I mean...did those words leave my mouth?" I questioned making him take his shoes back off and get back in his bed.

"Cev, did you mean anything you said or were you just drunk?" He said clasping his hands together like he was cutting to the chase. "Just be real with me right now,"

"...I mean...I meant what i said about you making me happy. Like I deadass be smiling and laughing with you more than anything and it's true that the last time I was happy like that was with my brother...," I told him feeling myself grow nervous as he nodded his head.

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