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Cévon P.O.V
I opened up my front door letting Cordell walk in as I walked to the back to my room. I got back in my bed and he walked to the back with me taking his shít off before getting into the bed with me.

"C-Can you hold me?" I asked him as he nodded his head. He did end up calling me and now he's back here on the anniversary of my brothers death and I was so happy he came back today. I needed to see him so bad. I had been on edge all day and crying. Now that he's here I wanna do the same shit in front of him. Just cry and let him hold me. "He's never coming back,"

"I know Cev. I'm so sorry for your lost baby," he spoke sighing making me look up at him.

"Im happy you came back. I really am and I really needed you. Can I vent about my brother?" I asked him as he nodded his head.

"Of course Cev. Go ahead," he replied as I nodded my head.

"My brother was really the best perosn ever. Like he was so nice and got me whatever I want when he could afford it. He taught be about sex and he always made sure I was good. When I got sick one time k just remember him staying home with me from work and his boss called him cussing him out and everything, but he still stayed with me. He told me I was the most important person in the world to him and that he could get another job. He cared about me so much. He cared about a lot of people he was so caring. My mom over dosed before and as a little kid he made sure he took care of her and called the cops. He stayed with me the whole time and wiped my tears away as I cried thinking she was dead. He was so such a fun person too. He would let the kids come over from the neighborhood and he was make everyone snow cones and buy pizza and shit just so they could have a fun day. He volunteered and he even had to take on two jobs at one point," I told him with tears falling from my eyes.

"H-He, fuck man...I remember he had a really big job opportunity that was gonna pay a lot of money, but he gave it up for me. Just because I was hurting. I told him I was depressed and at first he was just talking me through it as he packed for the job interview, but he realized his gun was missing and saw how serious I was and cancelled everything just to make sure wi was ok. He literally let me cry on his chest like I'm doing right now all night am s just rubbed my back to make sure that I was ok. I cried the whole entire night and he didn't even care. He just let me and laid there until I couldn't cry any more. If he had left I wouldn't have ven be here. I was going through so much and I couldn't stand it anymore and he would have came back to me dead. I stole his gun and he peeped it. It slime he just knew shit was deeper than the hat I was talking about. He even bought me my first car. Cordell, I'm so fucking heartbroken,"

"Everyday I think about him and how some idiot took his life and how I still haven't got back at that nigga at all. Like I don't even know who did it and I can't stand that shit. I feel like I'm failing him every day and I hate this shit so much. If i could just get my hands on my the nigga that killed him i promise I wou-,"

"It was me. I did it Cev. I didn't know," he spoke nervously sitting up making my heart stop for a second.

Nah...he's not serious.

"What?" I asked him sitting up with a wet face.

"I did it. I killed Cash, but it was an accident. I lied about not having a body and shít. I just didn't want you to know I had a body cause I felt you would put it together. If you wanna kill me just go ahead and do it because I understand. Just kill me. I'm so sorry for hurting you and taking his life. I didn't mean to and i-,"

"Who's re you protecting?"i asked him knowing he was lying. "Yo brother? He killed my brother Cordell?"

"Baby it was me. Nobody else but me," he said as he started to cry looking at me. "It was all me and I I lied to you about it. He didn't have shit to do with it. It was all my fucking fault! It was me Cev just kill me! This is my karma for killing him. For having someone else's blood on my hands. I can't have nobody blood o my hands but my own! Just fucking do it it was me I murdered yo brother for no fucking reason!"

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