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It had been many years ago when your clan first began. It was your job to protect the secrets of the chaos emeralds, which were the most powerful weapons in all the realms. You knew almost everything about them by the time you were ten, but you were sworn to secrecy, just like everyone else in your clan. The only time you were allowed to tell a living soul was in times of an absolute emergency.

You held an alliance with the guardians of the chaos emeralds...the current guardian, Knuckles The Echidna. You knew him when you were younger...the two of you were actually pretty good friends...but, he moved away.

Now things were just quiet and peaceful in your village, everyday pretty much the same as the other. You longed for adventure, you longed for fun, you longed for love...even if you knew you could only wish for that.

...But that was a long time ago.

"Hey, mom!" You called, walking in the front door. Your home had always been a cozy place. You loved it here, but deep down, you still had that longing for adventure...the urge to go do something new. You didn't want to have to relive what seemed like the same day over and over again. Sure, you'd get up everyday and put on a happy face...but truly, you felt like nothing but a ghost.

"Home so early, are we?" Your mom questioned, looking up from the book she was reading.

"Um yeah, V had to go home early today." Now Ivy, who you simply called V, had been your best friend for as long as you could remember. She'd always been there for you. "I heard it's because her mom is gonna tell her a secret about the chaos emeralds...so, when are you gonna tell me?" You asked with pleading eyes.

Your mom sighed. "Sweetie, you know the rules, only on your birthday." She replied. The rules, you hated them, but you had to follow them, everyone did. It was said that each year on your birthday you would learn one secret about the chaos emeralds. You supposed they did this so you wouldn't have to handle it all at once. You enjoyed learning about the chaos emeralds though, it was something different.

"Oh c'mon mom, y'know me and V are only one day apart, can't you just tell me now?" You pleaded.

"Y/n please, you know I can't break the rules." Your mom scolded.

"Fine." You agreed, rolling your eyes a bit before walking upstairs to your room. You loved your mom, but you didn't understand why you always had to follow the stupid rules. They always ruined everything. Little did you know though, these rules were gonna help you on the very next day. You were strong, but there comes a point where everyone must break...and your breaking point would come very soon.

The next day:

You woke up to the sun on your face. It seemed to be an absolutely gorgeous day. What could go wrong?

Finally, it was your birthday. You'd been waiting forever to know the next secret of the chaos emeralds, and apparently this would be the most important one yet, that's why you'd been so eager in the first place. You immediately jumped out of bed and fixed your hair, put on some makeup, and got dressed before running downstairs.

"Mom! Mom!" You called eager to find her, but she was no where to be found. In fact, that's when you realized just about everyone was gathered outside, and not in their homes. You hesitantly walked outside, gently pushing through the crowd in desperate search of either your mom or Ivy. There were many voices murmuring, but you could only make out one in particular: the chief of your clan.

You pushed a bit further into the crowd, attempting to observe the situation. You couldn't make out much, but it was just enough. Your chief was talking to a man in some sort of flying machine. Who was this? You'd never seen him before.

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