Metal's Attack

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"Hurry, Y/n!" Tails repeated, running a bit faster, his hand clutching onto yours as you ran together. "Eggman's a pretty impatient man, so we never know if he'll change his mind." He added. You just panted a bit in response as you continued to run faster. "This way!" Tails instructed, pulling you down a small alleyway and then into another street. Before you two could get anywhere else, you suddenly both bumped into something. You closed your eyes tightly as you tumbled to the ground, rolling over quite a few times before stopping. When you opened your eyes, you saw red fur, and a face your were happy to see.

"Knuckles?" You asked, looking up at his violet eyes.

"Glad we found you guys." Knuckles replied, getting up and off you.

"We?" You repeated his words, starting to sit up yourself.

"Yup." Knuckles answered, looking over to where Tails would've been. When you looked over, you were surprised at what you saw. Tails was rolled over right on top of Rouge. Tails's face was a bright red. You couldn't tell if it was from blush or anger.

"S-Sorry Rouge." Tails stuttered, as he got off her. He reached a hand out to help her but she immediately shoved right past him, as she ran towards you two. Knuckles was now trying to help you up off the ground, but Rouge just pushed his head right away from you and took his spot, almost knocking you down as well. She immediately grabbed your face and examined it over.

"...Rouge? What are you doing?" You asked, your checks squished in her grasp.

"Just making sure you're not hurt! They didn't do anything to you, did they?" She asked, continuing to examine you up and down.

"I'm fine, Rouge, really. ...How about you, Tails?" You asked, looking over to him. You gasped when you saw tears streaming down his face.

"Tails... I know it's gonna be hard to get over what happened." Rouge spoke up, letting you go now as she looked over at Tails.

"Huh? Tails, what's wrong. What happened?" Knuckles asked, confused. He didn't know yet... You were confused at first as to how Rouge knew about Sonic, but then assumed she must've been watching from the base. You wondered who all knew about Sonic's defeat yet. You were sure the word would get out soon.

"Tails, you did the best you could." You encouraged, giving him a hug.

"But, I should've done more!" Tails cried, pushing you off him. don't think Tails has ever pushed away one of your hugs.

"Would someone like to tell me what's going on here!?" Knuckles shouted.

"...I'm sorry. I think I just need to be alone right now." Tails concluded, starting to take flight.

"Wait, Tails don't go! It's dangerous!" You yelled after him.

"Yes, Tails, stay. We're on your side." Rouge added, standing next to you. Tails only shook his head before flying off, away from you guys.

"Tails!" Knuckles yelled after him, but the fox continued on until you guys couldn't see him anymore.

Before you three could do anything else, explosions started to go off in the city. The ground shook, making you fall right back down to the ground. You watched as buildings began to explode just like your new town and clan's village had before.

"These attacks keep spreading. It started with Y/n's town, and keeps continuing on through every other city and town." Knuckles explained.

"We need to get to the base! It's the only safe place from this." Rouge stated.

"You're right. We're gonna run for now, but as soon as we get to the base, you two are gonna explain to me what is going on, understand?" Knuckles stated sternly. Rouge crossed her arms at Knuckles attitude, while you just slowly nodded your head. "Alright good, come on!" Knuckles instructed, grabbing your arm and running towards the base, Rouge following close behind you.

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