Old Fashioned Jail Break

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Everyone's reaction to the news of Sonic's death was different. Amy had immediately burst into tears and Charmy right along with her. Knuckles had just quickly wiped his nose before walking out of the room, you later heard him punch his fist into the wall multiple times. Espio and Silver had simply looked down with their eyes shut while Vector and Karlee had shocked expression on their faces.


Everything had changed since then. Luckily Tails did make it back to you guys safely, but he was never the same. As for Eggman's Army, they quickly took over. There was little hope left in the world other than you and the resistance. You hadn't seen Zero or heard from him either. It seemed that the Eggman army must've been doing something very important to not show their faces for so long. As for Shadow, You and Rouge never brought him up again. Not speaking about him with each other or anyone else.

...But that was six months ago.

You sat on a large crate in the meeting room, watching as Amy and Silver tried to come up with another plan to stop Eggman. "Eggman's Army is unstoppable!" Vector groaned, walking into the room and scratching his head. "Without Sonic, people are quickly losing hope and falling into despair." He added, walking next to Espio and Charmy.

"Despair is a luxury we don't have." Silver disagreed.

"...I still dream that Sonic is with us." Amy whispered, placing her hand over her heart. "Do you really think he's..."

"I'm an optimist, Amy, but I'm also a realist." Silver answered. "Sonic is gone. ...And Tails...Tails has just lost it. If we're going to win, we have to do it without them."

"Silver is right." Espio agreed, placing both his hands down on the computer table. "We've been hoping for a miracle these past six months, but I'm afraid we're gonna have to make our own miracle."

"Exactly, Eggman's army has everyone terrified— Silver began.

"Not everyone is terrified!" Charmy exclaimed, doing a small flip in the air. Espio just gave Charmy an annoyed look before speaking again. "We can use all the help we can get." He spoke.

"Yes, if we want the people to rally, we must show them strength doesn't just come from numbers." Silver replied.

You closed your eyes for a moment. You were so sick of the way the world had become. Everyone in fear. You opened your eyes and sighed before jumping off the crate. "Lucky for you, Silver, there's a new recruit joining today."

"There is, who?" Silver responded.


"You? But, I thought you said you couldn't..." Silver trailed off.

"Who cares what I said. It's just like Espio explained. We need to make our own miracle now, and I can help you."

"Knuckles will be happy to hear you've officially joined." Karlee chimed in.

"Yeah, I sure am." Knuckles said, walking into the room. "Glad you've finally changed your mind, Y/n."

"Knuckles. How you doing, Commander?" Silver greeted.

"Happy to see you're all still alive." Knuckles replied. "Eggman's forces have just took down our forces at Green Hill. All deaths and no injures." Knuckles explained, everyone looking down. "But, who knows...maybe with Y/n's help, we can defeat Eggman."

"She doesn't look like much compared to Eggman's army." Charmy blurted.

Knuckles glared. "Neither do you Charmy, but I still find use for your annoying ass."

"Hah..." Charmy chuckled nervously.

Suddenly, Knuckles's voice transmitter scratched and Rouge's voice came over the speaker. "Knuckles, come in."

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