Familiar Face

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Screaming. Blood. Death. Screaming. Blood. Death. Screaming. Blood. Death. Blood. Blood. Blood. Death. Death. Death. Death. This was all you could see. All the while a dark figure stood in the middle of it. You couldn't make out who it was though. They suddenly started to turn. It was—


You woke up in a could sweat. You let out a breath as you put your hand on your face, covering your eyes. You'd been having nightmares ever since you left the death egg. You slid your hand from your eyes down to over your mouth. What was wrong with you... You slowly sat up on your bed, grabbing a pair of fuzzy socks and putting them on. Today was gonna be a lazy day. You walked to your vanity. You took your hair out of the bun you had it in and began to brush it out. You just wanted these nightmares and unwanted thoughts to go away...

God, you needed to get some coffee...you needed to think straight. You thought, putting on some mascara. Obviously these nightmares weren't going to go away if you didn't get closure...you needed closure...but how—

Your train of thought suddenly stopped when you realized Rouge wasn't in her bed. You assumed she would've been back by now. These nightmares had you worried like they were trying to tell you something. You let out another breath before narrowing your eyes a bit. You immediately got up, running out the door. You needed to see where everyone was now, or else you were gonna have a straight up panic attack. You ran down the hallway, quickly making an extremely tight turn and crashing straight into someone. Whoever they were had fast reflexes, because they immediately grabbed both your arms and hoisted you up before you could fall. You had squeezed your eyes shut in defense and when you opened them, you were surprised to see Knuckles. You just stared. He gave you a frown before hoisting you up a bit more, then simply walking away. That was extremely awkward...

You silently turned and watched him take his leave. You gave him a dirty look even though you knew his back was turned towards you. You then continued running towards the meeting room. You burst through the doors. Thank god, everyone was there, even charmy. You let out a sigh of relief before walking in calmly like nothing had happened. You were a bit surprised though, the last time everyone was in the meeting room was your last mission. Was there something you didn't know about?

"Hey guys, did I miss anything?" You asked, walking towards everyone.

"Well hello, sleeping beauty." Sonic turned towards you.

"It's not even that late, is it?" You asked.

"Nah, I'm just playing. ...You look like you just got out of bed though." He chuckled.

"I do not!" Sonic just let out another laugh. You looked down at your outfit. You supposed that you had just ran out with only a tank top, spandex, and fuzzy socks, but still, you brushed your hair and put on make up!!! "Whatever...just, what's everyone doing in here?"

"Oh, we're planning the party."


"Yeah, we're celebrating Eggman and Infinite's defeat."

"defeat?" You repeated.

"...Why are you repeating everything I say?"

"...But...what— what do you mean defeat? How do we know they're not still out there?"

Everyone seemed to turn their heads towards you and Sonic's conversation. "They were still on the death egg when the bomb went off, trust me, they're gone."

"They could've used an escape pod." You disagreed.

"Tails' built a tool that could go up into space. All it's readings show no signs of life, no sign that there could've been an escape pod used—

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