Escaping The Death Egg

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Your tight simile seemed to turn around completely as his grin grew larger and larger. He was just staring at you with hungry eyes. You couldn't even seem to look him in the face though, your eyes were glued to his bloody hands. A thousand thoughts must've been running through your mind at the same time. Why is he looking at me like that? Is that his blood? Is he hurt? If it's not his blood, who's is it? Murderer. Run. Why are you still standing here?

"Are you scared?" He asked, taking a step forward with his hands out in front of him, some of the blood dripping onto the floor.

You immediately took a step back as he approached. It looked like he was gonna strangle you or even eat you alive. "T-There's blood...on your hands..." You squeaked. He didn't respond, just moved in closer. "W-Who's blood is that..." You continued to back away.

"Trying to escape...?" He asked, grabbing your arm, the blood sticking to you.

You let out a nervous giggle as you began to try and pull back. "I wouldn't say—

"Well you should know that's useless." He interrupted.

"Y-You're hurting me..." You squeaked, trying to claw his hand off you.


"My arm..." You gasped, pulling back so hard you actually fell to the ground, but it didn't even seem to phase him at all that you were going through physical pain. You immediately scoot back, trying to get away from him, but you only got so far before hitting the wall.

"...Already..." He whispered, kneeling down next to you. You looked up at him with wide eyes, he was getting way to close...there was practically no space between you. "Belong to ME!" He growled, getting straight on top of you, making you let out a short gasp. His body towered over yours. You couldn't move, and quite frankly, couldn't get him off you. His hands would brush up against your chest, between your legs, anywhere they could touch. The blood from his hands smearing all over your body, making you wanna gag.

"S-Stop!" You cried, trying to claw his hands off your body. He let out a growl before grabbing one of your wrists and literally crushing it in his grasp, so hard you actually heard it crack. He broke your wrist!!! Tears streamed down your face from pain.

"See what happens when you disobey? You force me to do stuff I don't want to."

"Y-You broke it!" You yelped.

"You know if you just cooperate, this can all be over." He said, getting all up in your face.

"S-Stop It!" You screamed, more tears streaking down your face.

"Oh, come on, come on! Show me some affection, Y/n." He exclaimed, giving your face a rough lick, leaving his saliva all over it.

"Infinite!" A sharp tone of voice cut off...whatever that was. Zero immediately lifted his head, turning his sights towards whomever was talking. The figure dropped Zero's mask next to you. Suddenly, you felt your arm get grabbed and you were pulled out from Zero's grasp. A hand over your mouth and your arms restrained, you found yourself struggling to now get out of Eggmans grasp. "What are you doing!?" Eggman hissed.

"Nothing, just give her to me!" Zero replied.

"Have you gone mad!? We need to get out of here!" Eggman replied.

"Why?" Zero asked.

"Shadow and that stupid little fox have broke in! They're bringing down our shields, and who knows what they're planning next."

"...Shadow?" Zero repeated.

"Yes. Now come on, grab your mask and let's go."

"I'm not finished with her." Zero replied, giving another wide smile.

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