Curiouser and Curiouser

201 9 13

Your eyes opened once again, slowly getting used to the new environment. God, how many times in one day would you wake up in a new place?

You examined the area to find you were tucked in a bed neatly, whoever brought you here was gentle. Like any normal girl who was laying in a bed and just got kidnapped by a guy, you looked down to make sure all your clothes were still on. When you looked down, you noticed bandages on your bruises and burns, but other than that, your clothes hadn't been touched since that Jackal had killed you—


That Jackal had killed you? That Jackal had killed you! How were you alive!? Was this heaven? No, you wouldn't be in this guy's lab if it were heaven...maybe it was hell? You sat up and took another look around. This seemed to still be the normal world...but that Jackal had killed you, hadn't he? You shuddered as you remembered him saying he would rip your heart right out of your chest. You could tell he had desperately wanted why were you here?

You slowly stood up, your head aching. You then stumbled towards the door, that was probably locked, but you might as well check anyways. You turned the doorknob, and to your surprise, it actually opened. You were free to explore!

You poked your head outside the door to see a long hallway, lit dimly by torches. It's now or never...maybe you could even find a way to escape. You exhaled loudly, before beginning to make your way down the hallway. You kept a straight path, not wanting to get lost...though, you were a bit sidetracked. Who had saved you? It couldn't have been the Jackal, because he was the one who wanted to kill you in the first place. Then, that Eggman guy didn't seem to have enough decency to spare anyone's life. Who was it, then? Perhaps those two robots, the red one did seem very polite...maybe they took pity on you?

All these thoughts brought you back to one person, and that one person being the Jackal. He was...mysterious, and you wanted to know more about him. He wore a mask over his face and you really wanted to know why that was...what was he hiding? You were so caught up in these thoughts, that you weren't even looking where you were going. In consequence, you bumped into something...more like someone. You gasped as you looked up to see Eggman In front of you.

"You!?" He shouted.

"You!?" You shouted right back.

"What are you doing here...alive that is?" He grunted.

"That's what I wanna know..." You replied.

"I see...I guess Infinite must've saw something In you worth saving...I don't know what that could be though." He stated, mumbling the last part aloud.

You crossed your arms, trying to ignore his rude comment. "Infinite...Is that the Jackal?" You questioned.

"Yes, that's the, what are you doing out of your room? You're not just allowed to wander wherever you want!

"Well, The door was open and I thought—

"You thought wrong! Get back to your room!" Eggman demanded, grasping your shoulders and pushing you back towards the room.

"Wait!" You yelped, pulling out of his grasp. "The Jackal, Infinite...Is he still here?" You asked.

"He doesn't like to be disturbed, now keep moving!"

You lowered your eyelids. "I want answers. I want to know why he didn't finish me off when he had the chance." You stated. The male didn't respond, he was just staring at you...but not exactly in the place you wanted him to. His eyes were currently glued to your ripped shirt. "...My eyes are up here, perv."

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