If you leave me...

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Everyone just stared up at the sun. For the first time ever, and you hated to admit it, the resistance was starting to give up. Not you though, you felt completely determined to do something. You were starting to realize that maybe you were the only one that could finish this. ...You started this...so you would have to end it...but maybe not the way everyone wanted you too. You were deciding for yourself now, and you didn't care what anyone else wanted. For once, you were looking out for yourself. That being said, you knew that you were the only person who could get through to Zero.

All this time, you knew deep down, this wasn't him. It was the ruby. It had to be the ruby. It was controlling him. There was no other possible explanation. You know him. You know he wouldn't want this. And it all made sense. Bad things only started to happen after he got the ruby. It started way back, you even remember that night...after Scourge. He had something on him that he claimed was a piece from the heart monitor, and that's why the syringe hadn't actually pierced him. Of course, you didn't understand back then, but now you were realizing Eggman had literally used him as a lab rat. You were realizing every time something went wrong, that damn ruby would spark or glow. Just earlier Zero had even clutched his chest...was it painful?

Your thoughts were cut off when you felt something seem to vibrate in your back pocket. You pulled out that weird ruby looking thing you had found from the other day. You had almost forgot that you even stuffed it in your back pocket after getting dressed for the party.

Tails, who was standing next to you, finally seemed to look down from the sun descending upon you all and just stare at the ruby. "What the... Wow! It's reacting, Eggman said something about the phantom ruby prototypes!" Prototype??? So that's what this was. You knew you'd seen it somewhere. You remembered that day you and Tails were out in the field. Zero had crushed something in his hand that looked just like it.

"Lemme see." Tails requested. You placed it in his hand and it stopped glowing. "Wow, it is. The Doctor said the prototypes only react to the person who activated it. That must be you, Y/n." Tails explained, placing the ruby back in your hand.

You looked down at it. "...But, how?"

"I don't know, strong will, courage, heroism...those are all traits you have."

"...But, so do you."

Tails shrugged. "Guess it just likes you or something."

You stared at it a moment longer before looking up at the sun again. "Tails, maybe...just maybe...if I use this, could it make that sun disappear?" You asked.

A light bulb seemed to go off in Tails' mind. "Hey, you're right! Pretty smart, Y/n. The prototype would cancel out the effect...but, you'd have to get way to close. You'd die of heat exhaustion before then. It's hopeless..."

You looked across the way. There was an extremely tall building. If you could get up there then... You clutched the ruby in your hand before putting it back in your pocket. "I have to try."

"Y/n, no! It's way to dangerous."

"I was the one who started this, so I have to finish it."


You immediately began running towards the building, leaving Tails behind. You could do this.

As soon as you got there, you sprinted to the elevator, taking it to the highest floor. It was getting hotter and hotter as you went higher and higher. You were starting to feel light headed when your voice transmitter lit up and you could hear Knuckles' voice on the line. "Y/n! What the hell are you doing!?" He asked.

"I- I'm gonna stop that sun!" You exclaimed.

"Have you gone mad? You'll burn to a crisp before then. Give it up and fall back!"

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