Truths Revealed

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You knocked once and waited for a moment. When there was no response you knocked again. Was he sleeping?

You were about to turn to walk away, when suddenly the door swung open, revealing an angry looking Infinite. "What!?" He snarled, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt roughly, and pulling you towards him. He'd startled you so bad, that the words had got knocked right out of you. So instead, you just stood there speechless like an idiot. "Oh, it's you..." He mumbled after a moment, letting go of your shirt.

"Geez..." You muttered under your breath, as you straightened out your now very wrinkled shirt.

"What is it that you want?" He growled.

"Well you said I could come and talk, so here I am."

"Little girl, do you know what time it is?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"No." You answered.

He let out a sigh. "Fine, get in...and, you need some new clothes..."

"Oh my god! For the hundredth time, it's only thanks to you that my clothes are ripped!" You snapped. He turned towards you with a glare in response. You placed your hands up in defense. "Fine, whatever..." You mumbled, following him into his chamber.

"Sit." He commanded, pointing to a chair in what seemed to be the kitchen. You didn't dare question him, so you sat right down. He then pulled out a chair for himself, across from you. He placed his elbow on the small table separating you two, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. "...So, what?" He asked again.

"...I want answers." You replied.

He let out a small chuckle. "Little girl, that's what everyone wants."

You rolled your eyes at your so-called nick name. You wondered if he would ever call you something different. "Come on, for real. I'm curious." You admitted. "I wanna know why you wear that mask, what was that glowing red thing in the other room, and why am I here?"

"You're saying you wanna know what happened to me?"

"Yes." You responded.

"Heh, no you don't."

"Yes I do, please Infinite...just tell me." You begged, making puppy eyes.

There was a long pause before he spoke again. "Hmm, well, if I tell you a little bit about myself, then you gotta tell me a little bit about yourself. Deal?" You nodded your head. "Mhm, alright then." He agreed.

You gave him your full attention as he began to speak. "Now let's see, where to start..." He trailed off. "It was a long time ago, when all of this first started. I was a hot-shot mercenary, pretty good at it too if I do say so myself." He boasted. "Anyways, I wasn't the only one. In fact, I had my very own squad. A Jackal squad full of mercenaries. One day, we decided to take on our biggest mission yet: raiding Eggman's base.

"Wait, what?" You stammered in shock.

"Shut it, do you wanna hear the story or not?" He asked, as if irritated you had interrupted him. You instantly shut your mouth the way he had asked, which earned a small chuckle from the male. "My team distracted his robots as I made my way inside. I soon discovered The Doctor studying saw it when you were snooping around. We call it the phantom ruby." He explained.

So, that's what you must've saw that day. You thought, thinking back to when you saw that strange red glow.

"I attacked Eggman, going in for the kill with my sword. To my surprise, he moved out of the way, and I hit the phantom ruby instead of the Doctor. Somehow, that strange ruby had reacted to me. It showed me an illusion of what I desired the most...a desolate, destroyed world." He stated, looking up into your eyes. You just stared back, speechless. "Eggman, who also saw the vision, took a liking to me. He offered to make me the leader of his army, this way we could accomplish our goals together."

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