Change of Heart

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Scourge stood there looking quite confused as you explained to him your entire situation. After a few minutes, you had finished up your story.

He blinked once. "So lemme' get this straight. You were taken from your clan and kidnapped by Robotnick, and he wants ya' for some evil purpose?" Scourge asked, trying to recap your story.


Scourge sorta just shrugged. "Kay', do ya' know why he kidnapped ya' of all people?"

You let out a hum. "I suppose it would have to do with the chaos emeralds." You exclaimed.

"Wait, chaos emeralds!?" Scourge asked, seeming to have a spark of interest in this topic.


"Do ya' know where they are!?"

"No." You lied. The only reason why you did this is because you were sworn to secrecy, it was part of your clans laws. You had the ability to track the emeralds down, but only in emergency's.

"Oh, well do ya' know who does?"

"You'd probably have to go speak to the guardian of the master emerald for those answers."

"Knuckles." Scourge said crinkling up his nose.

"You know him?" You asked, tilting your head.

"Yeah, but I wish I didn't." He sneered.

Hm, Knuckles had always been kind to you in the time you two knew each other, but you supposed that some people just don't get along."I take it you two don't get along?"

"It's whatever." He replied shrugging. "None of that matters now. What matters, is that we have to find a way to keep ya' safe from Eggman." Scourge added taking hold of both your hands.

"I don't know how to stay away from him though. I've already tried escaping once, but he just sends people after me. It's hopeless." You sighed, your ears dropped to the side.

"No, it's not, I'm gonna protect ya'."

"But Scourge, you have no chance against any of Eggmans...robots." You exclaimed, trying to keep Zero out of the picture for now.

"I'm stronger than I look." He smirked.

Well, you never said that he didn't look strong, in fact he looked very strong, but that wasn't the point. Zero would kill on sight. You two needed to hide. "Can we just get off the streets? I'm scared." You told him.

"Course'. C'mon, I know just the place. We can go have some fun, and forget all our worries." He exclaimed leading, you down the sidewalk. You walked for another minute before he pulled you into a small building. "In here." He said. You looked around to find this was a bar. So by forget all our worries he meant: get drunk.

"Um Scourge, what are we doing here?" You asked.

"Just trust me, doll." He replied, leading you toward the counter, and sitting down. You sat down next to him and looked at the variety of drinks there were, mostly alcohol. "Get whatever you want, babe."

Your cheeks turned a light shade of red. "Thanks." You responded.

"Scourge?" A male voice said from behind the counter.

Scourge now looked away from the chalk board with all the drinks listed neatly in alphabetical order. "Aye?"

"I thought I told you you're not allowed in here anymore." A hedgehog with brown quills and dark green eyes said walking right up to Scourge from the other side of the counter.

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