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The car stopped outside the restaurant and Pete glanced over at Patrick. He was staring out the window at the swarm of people waiting for them with cameras. Yelling things already. Pete hated that they could always spot his car. He was used to it though. But he felt bad for Patrick. The kid looked scared out of his mind.

"Are you ready?"


"Just keep your head down and ignore them."

"I know."

Pete gave him a measuring look before opening the car door. The flashes began immediately. Just as Ryan said, he stepped out and held his hand out for Patrick. When Patrick stepped out the flashes seems to double. The questions seemed to get louder.

Patrick could feel his heart in his stomach. This was way more than he bargained for already. He took a deep breath and put his hand in Pete's. The anxiety began melting away as Pete's hand squeezed his. Patrick found himself smiling. He stepped out and kept his head down.

He could almost be blinded by the amount of bright flashes that were swarming around. Even the yells in the crowd sounded loud enough to impare his hearing. He was going to be handicapped by the time they made it in the door. His only solace was Pete's warm, strong hand.

"Mr. Wentz, who is this man?" Flash.

"Is this your brother?" Flash.

"Is this you and Meagan's long, lost love child?" Flash. Flash.

"Does he know about your hatred for homosexuality?" Flash.

"Are you dying, Mr. Wentz?" Flash.

"Is this man your doctor?" Flash.

"Why are you holding hand?" Flash.

"Is this your boyfriend, Pete?" The flashes went crazy after that.

But Pete kept his head down. So he did the same. They finally made it into the restaurant. It felt like they'd been traveling to the center of the Earth. Pete still didn't let go of his hand though. Even as they entered the restaurant, and the mai·tre d' showed them to their seats.

He didn't let his hand go until they had to sit in their seats across from each other. Patrick's hand felt cold and empty now. But that was only because the air conditioner was on in this place. And his hand was technically empty. So that's what the problem must have been. Its not like he liked holding Pete's hand. Really, he didn't.

The waitress came to their table almost immediatly. Placing a menu in front of both of them. Patrick opened it and frowned. What the hell was any of this food? He recognized the salmon. But he'd never eaten salmon. What if it was gross? He'd have to still eat it. He didn't want the cook to think he did a bad job.

"He'll take the soft French style omlet with seasoned cooked mushrooms as a substitute." Pete ordered for him. Patrick smiled in relief. "And I'll have my usual."

"Yes sir." She took the menus and hurried off to the back.

"Thanks." Patrick smiled.

"You looked confused." He shrugged.

"What did you order?"

"House cured smoked salmon."

"And for me?"

"An omlet with mushroom, applewood smoked bacon, Gruyere, cipollini onions and fingerling potatoes."

"I don't even know what most of that is."

"Its good." He assured him.

"And if it's not?" Patrick challenged with the raise of his newly arched brow.

"We'll switch."

"What if I don't like salmon?"

"Do you?"

"I don't know. I've never had it."

"Maybe we should have gone to a Donald's King." He said in annoyance.

"You mean a Burger King or a McDonalds?" Patrick laughed.

"Whatever." Pete's lip twitched.

Patrick wasn't sure if it was the on coming of a smile. Or if it was in annoyance. All he knew was that it twitched.

The waitress walked back over with two plates. She placed one down in front of Patrick and the other down in front of Pete. A man walked up behind her and sat a bottle of champagne down as well.

Patrick had to admit that it smelled great. He lifted his fork and dug in. He could feel Pete watching him. Waiting for his reaction to the new taste.

"It's good."

Pete nodded and lifted his fork up. Taking a small portion of the Salmon with it. He leaned over and held it towards Patrick's face. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Taste it." Pete finally said.

"Why? I said I liked the omlet."

"But you can't order an omlet when we go to dinner. So I'll need to know if you like Salmon."

Patrick opened his mouth and let the tender meat touch his tongue. Pete moved the empty fork back to his plate. And again, he was watching him. Patrick chewed slowly. Making sure to savor the flavor in his mouth.

"It's salty." He shrugged. "Its okay but it's salty."

"You don't like salty things?" Pete's eyes narrowed. His thick brows lifted suggestively. Patrick swallowed.



Pete lifted a piece into his mouth. His eyes never leaving Patrick's. For some reason Patrick could feel himself starting to blush. What the hell was going on?

"I, uh." Patrick swallowed again. "It made my mouth dry."

Pete reached his hand over to lift the cold bottle and pour some in Patrick's empty glass.

"Then drink up."

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