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Patrick wasn't dressed as badly as he was yesterday, but he still looked like a clown. He was wearing a pair of yellow jeans with a brown belt that was too long. He'd wanted to just reloop the belt but Ryan insisted it was supposed to hang. His shirt was gray with white buttons and a white collar. He was even wearing some ridiculous black and gray scarf to match his black and gray boots.

To make matters worse, he was wearing a man bag. You know, a pocketbook for men. He didn't even know they had those! There was no use complaining about it though. Ryan wasn't going to let him change.

But Patrick came up with the brilliant idea to use the bag to his advantage. He put his contact holders in the bag because they irritated his eyes. And then he added his glasses in the bag. His favorite fedora was next. He even went as far as to put a pair of sneakers in there. And lastly he tossed in a black cardigan.

When he went downstairs, Pete and Ryan were waiting for him as always. Pete had on his signature black suit. Ryan was wearing pink sweatpants and a white shirt that didn't quite reach his bellybutton. That man was the definition of a flaming homosexual.

"You look amazing!" He cheered.

"Thanks. I get clothed by the best."

"Lucky you." He pretended to flip his hair. "Why does your bag look so full?"

"Because it's big as hell."

"But its from Loewe." Patrick faked a smile at the words.

As soon as Ryan sent him and Pete off in the car, Patrick began changing. He dumped the bag in the seat next to him. Wasting no time stripling out of the shoes and scarf. Pete just watched with an amused glance as the younger man put on the cheap converse. At lease the cardigan looked like it came from a high end store.

"Could you hold this?" Patrick placed the contact holder in his hand before Pete could answer. He expertly slipped each one out. Making sure not to damage them. He grabbed it back and tossed it in his bag. "Thanks."

Pete just nodded. Patrick put his glasses in his face and smiled. This felt more like him. Finally he sat the black hat on his head.

"Ryan is going to kill you."

"I know." Patrick smiled.

"But I like it."

Pete hadn't meant to say that out loud. But now that he had, he couldn't take it back. And it was true anyway. The other clothes were more stylish but this look fit Patrick more. He looked comfortable. He looked like an innocent angel again.

"T-Thanks." Patrick looked down and blushed.

The car drove down a road that Patrick recognized. But he couldn't quite put his finger on why he recognized it. That was until they passed a hotdog stand. Patrick gasped when he saw the man from last time.


"I-uh nothing. It was just that hotdog stand-"



"Drive back to that hotdog stand we passed."

"No. That's okay-"

"Maybe I want a hotdog too."

"You probably don't even know what a hotdog taste like." Patrick muttered.
The car stopped and instead of waiting for Jefferson to open the door, Patrick stepped out on his own. Pete did the same. They walked hand in hand to the hotdog stand. It was a rule that Ryan initiated. When in public always hold hands.


Patrick hoped that was right. He wasn't too good at remembering names. He knew it was something simple though. And Bob was the first name that came to mind. The greasy man spun around. Smiling when he looked at Patrick.

"Look whose back. And he brought a friend."

"You remembered me!" Patrick smiled.

"How could I forget a face like that?" The man winked jokingly.

Pete tightened his hand around Patrick's. Glaring at the man. Why would he flirt with a man who clearly had a boyfriend? Didn't he see they were holding hands? Its not as if he was jealous or anything stupid like that. He just thought it was rude of this guy to wink at a taken man.

"We'll take two hotdogs." Pete told him.

"Ketchup, mustard and sauerkraut?"

"Yeah!" Patrick smiled.

"There's a new pretty face on my magazines." Bob told him.

Patrick glanced down at them And smiled when he saw his face. He tugged at Pete's hand. When pete glanced down at him, he motioned to the magazine.

It was a picture they hadn't seen yet. One of them in the restaurant. How the hell someone got the picture, Pete had no idea. In the picture his fork was held up to Patrick. Whose lips were parted slightly. Both of their stares were so intense. Pete or Patrick didn't remember it being like that. Maybe the magazine editors fixed it up a little. But all in all it was a nice picture.

"Bob, I'll take the usual." Patrick looked over and saw the older woman from last time. This was so surreal it was like déjà vu. Only this time Pete was here instead of on the magazine. She glanced over at Patrick. "Well would you look here."

"Hello, ma'am." He smiled shyly.

"Just days ago you were giving googly eyes to his picture now you're holding his hand."

"You were giving googly eyes to my picture?" Pete's eyebrows rose comically.

"What? No! I was just looking-"

"Practically ogling the page. You should have seen his disappointed look when it said you were a homophobe. But he clearly didn't let that stop him from going after his dream man." She nudged Patrick.

He just knew his face was crimson red. He could feel Pete staring down at him but he refused to meet his gaze. He was probably going to mock him for it later. Bob handed over the hotdogs. Patrick grabbed them and headed for the car. Pete paid the man more than he had to and got in too.

Patrick handed him the hotdog and Pete took it. It didn't look good at all. And it smelled worse. But he was going to eat it if Patrick ate his. He didn't want to look like some priss. Patrick bit his. Pete mimicked.

"So," he said off handedly as he chewed the surprisingly okay street meal. "You had a crush on me?"

Patrick could have died from the embarrassment right then and there.

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