Thirty Eight

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Cameras flashed and reporters called out questions as they walked towards the entrance. Pete's hand was clasped in Patrick's as always. He glanced back at Ryan.

"Why the hell are there so many paparazzi here?" He whispered too low for them to hear.

"I didn't call any." Ryan shrugged.

"Patrick, have you heard that Beyonce will be attending your art show?"

Patrick's jaw dropped. What?

"Don't feed into them." He heard Pete whisper in his ear. "They're bottom feeders trying to get a story."

"Patrick appreciates any and everyone who took the time out to join us today." Ryan said. His publicist instincts taking over.

More cameras flashed as they entered the building. Reporters were now screaming for their attention. Trying to get any kind of quote from Patrick before he went fully inside.

Patrick turned to face them with a smile and a wave.

"Thank you all for coming."

Pete pushed the door open and Patrick froze. Whoa. This wasn't the showing he'd planned. There were rows of chairs for people to sit. Each wall was a different color. Helping to contrast with the piece of art on it. There were multiple tables covered in filled wine glasses and eatable delicacies. There was even a live band playing instead of the planned classical playlist.

"I upgraded it a bit." Pete told him. "You deserved it."

"Thank you." Patrick tugged at his arm. Pete smiled at him. "Really. Thank you."

"It's no problem at all."

"Mr. Stump."

They turned as the woman approached Patrick, cellphone in hand. She was tall. Her natural blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

"Yeah?" Patrick didn't recognize her.

"I'm Taylor, with Green Magazine. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about the showing."

Patrick glanced at Pete.

"It's fine." Pete told him. "I'll just go mingle."

Patrick nodded to the woman. Pete watched them walk off. He grabbed a glass from the table as he passed it. Glancing around the surprisingly crowded room for a familiar face.

"Pete Wentz, you closeted billionaire, you."

That was a voice Pete knew all too well. He turned. "Hello, Gerard."

The older man walked up with an almost empty glass in his hand. His younger brother Mikey was by his side as always.

"Hey, Petey." Mikey smirked.

"Hello, Mikey. Are you two enjoying the showing?"

"The pictures are cute." Mikey shrugged.

"I'm enjoying it a lot." Gerard nodded. "I'm surprised that such a new painter has so much talent."

"It's a gift." Pete glanced past them at Patrick who was still talking to the reporter, Taylor.

"I've purchased a piece."

"Have you?"

"Yes, the West Coast Smoker. The color scheme is brilliant."

"Petey." Mikey chimed in. Not caring about the art. "I didn't know you were gay."

Pete coughed.

"I apologize for my brother's bluntness. But, dude, we really didn't know you were gay. When that rumor about you being homophobic came around, I was appalled-"

"Because as you know, I'm very gay. And very single." Mikey ran his hand through his hair slowly.

"And within a few days the rumor shifted to you being a homosexual. And suddenly pictures of your new boyfriend are everywhere."

Pete laughed uncomfortably. "Isn't it funny how rumors go?"

"Very. And your boyfriend is adorable"

"He looks ten." Mikey argued. "I wouldn't expect him to be your type at all."

"Well, he is."

"I'm happy for you." Gerard smiled. "I am having a bit of a party in three days. I would love it if you and your boyfriend attended. We could discuss that deal we've been procrastinating on."

"Of course. Would it be a problem if Ryan attended as well?"

"Of course not. I wouldn't expect Ross to be absent during a business deal."

"Maybe only Ross should come with you." Mikey suggested.

"No. I wouldn't expect Pete to leave his boyfriend home." Gerard patted his little brother on the back. "I'm going to go make my rounds. Are you staying to talk with Pete?"

Mikey nodded and Gerard walked away. Speaking to others as he did. Pete glanced over Mikey's shoulder for Patrick. But he wasn't standing in then same spot with the reporter. Pete's eyes traveled the room looking for him.

"So, Petey." He felt a hand on his chest. "How have you been?"

"I've been fine, Mikey." Pete removed Mikey's hand.

"You look fine." He rubbed his finger up his arm. "Have you been working out?"


"Because it feels like you have." The man leaned in closer. Staring into Pete's eyes.

"I'm not interested, Mikey."


"I'm not into you. At all. I'm happy with my relationship."

"I'm not asking for a relationship with you, Petey."

"Then what are you asking for, Michael?"

"Sex." He whispered the word seductively.

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