Twenty Five

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"That's Andy?" Pete scoffed as he looked over at the men.

It didn't matter which was Andy. They were both clearly inferior. One needed a haircut the other needed a fashion sense. Why would Patrick be hung up on either of them?

That was the man who he felt needed to be painted multiple times? Pete ran his hands through his hair. He was the one who should be painted multiple times. He was so much better than that Andy guy. Which ever one that Andy guy was.

"Which one is he?"

"The shorter one with the red hair." Brendon told them. He was watching Patrick's face carefully as he spoke.

"What a dick! How can he be engaged if you two just broke up?" Ryan looked disgusted.

"That would probably mean he was cheating." Pete answered truthfully. A small squeak came from the person beside him.

"Would you like me to ask them to leave sir?" The waiter asked Pete.

Pete glanced over at Patrick. He was still holding on to his unshed tears. Pete had to look away. He hated crying. He didn't deal with tears. When girls got emotional, Pete got going. But he couldn't leave right now. So having to see Patrick's breakdown was making him nervous.

"Yes. Make them leave." Pete told the waiter.

"No!" Patrick said quickly. "Pete, that would be terrible."

"Patrick, they're upsetting you."

"I don't want to kick someone out during their engagement dinner just because I'm upset." He sniffles. Pete flinches.

"But it's your ex's engagement. Everyone wants payback on their ex."

"I don't. Excuse me." He stood up. "I just need to go to the restroom." His voice cracked on the final word. The waiter pointed him in the right direction.

"Well?" Brendon stared at Pete expectantly.


"Aren't you going to go after him?"

"No. I don't deal with tears."

"They're your boyfriend's tears!"

Pete shrugged. Brendon slid away from the table harder than necessary. He got up and stormed after Patrick. Pete ran his hands through his hair again and then covered his face with his hands. Pete looked back up and shooed the waiter away.

"What are you thinking?" Ryan asked quietly.

"Patrick's back there crying."

"And you want to go to him?"

"God no!" Pete shuddered at the thought.

"Let me guess, you want him to leave now. You want a new boyfriend?"

Pete looked up. Ryan had never spoken to him in that tone before. Well not when dealing with his relationships. Even fake ones. Pete's eyes narrowed on his so called best friend.

"Is he where your loyalty lies?" Pete's voice was sharp. It would have scared anyone else. But not Ryan. Ryan had been around too long to let Pete's intimidation tactics affect him.

"No." Ryan's eyes narrowed too. "I'm your best friend."

"Then why are you on his side?"

"I didn't know this was some kind of battle. I didn't know we were picking sides."

"And if we were?"

"I'd be on yours without question."

"Good. Act like it."

"I'm not saying you need to change your ways and run back there to comfort Patrick. I'm just saying Patrick isn't like the others you date."


"I'm not referring to his gender, Pete. I'm referring to his person. Patrick is a genuinely sweet guy. He's not some superficial model who'd cry over a bad dye job. His tears really mean something."

"I understand that."

"Then let him shed them without stones being casted at him. He gave ten years of his life to that man. He deserves to cry a bit."

"Ten years?!"

"Yes, Pete. At least almost."

"But the kid's only 24!"

"High school sweethearts!" Ryan shrugged.

Pete's face tensed. Ryan noticed. Pete sat up straighter in his chair. Running his hands through his hair yet again before adjusting his tie. He lifted his hand, signaling the waiter over. The man was there instantly.

"Ready to order?"

"No. I'd like to order a bottle of champagne for the newly engaged table." The waiter's eyes widened in confusion. "With the hopes that they'd join us for a glass."

"Pete-" Ryan started. This was going to be a bad idea. "I don't think Pat-"

"Thank you." He nodded the waiter away.

Both men watched at the waiter disappeared in the back to get a bottle of champagne. And then they watched him take it over to the table. The waiter pointed back at them. The couple turned to look. Clearly confused. But they stood up and followed the waiter over to Pete's table.

"Thanks for the champagne." Andy said.

"Yeah, its a really special night for us!" The other man grabbed Andy's arm. "Hey aren't you that rich guy from those magazines?"

"He is." Ryan muttered.

"He won't open the fucking door." Brendon groaned as he walked back to the table. "What the hell are you two pieces of shit doing here?"

"Brendon?" They said in unison.

"Yes, it's me. How could you do this to Patrick, Joe? You're one of his best friends?" Joe looked down sadly.

"Listen Brendon-"

"Oh, do not even get me started on you." He pointed at Andy. "You two timing, red haired, gym monkey, pencil dick." Ryan laughed.

"Let's not make a scene." The waiter warned cautiously.

"Look, don't you think I feel bad enough?" Andy groaned.

"Bad enough to break up with the man who loved you with all his heart. And then marry who was supposed to be a good friend?"

"I didn't mean to hurt him."

"Well you did! Patrick is in there-"

"I'm back guys!"

They all turned to look at where the cheerful voice came from. Patrick was walking back to the table. No signs of crying on his face. Except if you looked close enough, you could see the slight puff under his eyes. He beamed at the small group.

"Pat, you okay?" Brendon asked.

"I'm fine!" He giggled. "Oh hey Andy. Joe. I heard the great news."

Joe looked down again. "Patrick I'm sorry."

"Oh, don't be, silly." He pushed Pete's chair slightly so he could sit across the other man's lap. Pete inhaled deeply. Patrick wrapped his arms around his neck and pecked his lips quickly. "Pete, this is my friend Andy. Andy, this is my boyfriend Pete."

Andy's eyes narrowed. "You're dating him? How?"

"Excuse you, bitch?" Brendon's hand were on his hips.

"Waiter bring us some champagne. Two bottles!" Patrick smiled excitedly. He looked at Pete who was staring at him wide eyed. Patrick giggled, running his hands through Pete's hair. "Were celebrating tonight, baby."

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