Forty Five

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It's been a week since Pete and Ryan finalized the deal with the Ways. And Patrick had never been happier.

Every morning he woke up next to Pete. And then he'd eat breakfast with Pete. After that Pete would do some business things. But they'd always meet up again for lunch. And stay together until dinner.

But after dinner, that's were the fun came in. They'd lock themselves in the room and do dirty, dirty things. Things that made it hard for Patrick to look anyone in the eye the next day.

"Patrick?" Pete pulled him out of his memory induced trance.


"Are you not hungry?"

Patrick glanced down at the plate in front of him. Two untouched slices of pizza. He looked over at the box on the table in front of them. Over half of the pizza was gone. Pete had such a large appetite.

"I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Pete grinned, digging in the box for another slice.

About how perfect you are. And how much happier life is. Patrick blinked. There was no way he could say that.

"About how much you eat."

"I don't eat that much."

"He said through a mouth full of pizza." Patrick teased.

"Hey, I'm splurging today. And this pizza is really good."

"You're getting fat." He motioned towards Pete's flat stomach.

Pete slapped his free hand against his stomach. Feeling the hard muscle under it.

"You love it."

"I love you."

Pete's smile widened. "I know."

Patrick couldn't help but smile back. How could he not? That was the most contagious smile he'd ever come encounter with.

"Can I bite your pizza?" It was the first thought that popped into Patrick's head. So he said it.

"No." Pete whined. "You have your own pizza."

"I want yours."

"Whyyy?" He continued on in the same whiny tone.

"Stop whining, you big baby."

Patrick stood up. Standing in between Pete's legs. Pete stopped chewing. He sat up straighter in the chair. Just watching Patrick's mouth. Patrick leaned forward and bit Pete's pizza. It tasted like him. Pete swallowed what was in his mouth. Patrick placed his hand on the other man's knee.

He cleared his throat.

"W-What are you doing?"

Patrick smirked. "I love you, Pete."

He'd said it an absurd amount of times in the past week. And he knew that. He was just trying to give Pete as many opportunities as he could to say it back. He hadn't said it yet. But Patrick knew he eventually would.

Worry crossed Pete's face. "I-uh-I-"

"The bitches are back!" Brendon's voice echoed through the kitchen.

He walked in a few seconds later holding bundles of shopping bags. Ryan walked in behind him holding just as many. Patrick was almost positive most of them belonged to Brendon. Poor Ryan.

"You ordered pizza?" Ryan asked. "I want a slice."

"By all means..." Patrick waved his hand over the open box.

Ryan placed all the bags on the floor. He walked over and took a slice from Patrick's untouched plate.

"What did you two get into today?"

"We just went shopping." Brendon waved the bags.

"And by we just went shopping, he means he tried on a bunch of outfits, said he looked fat in them, and then made me purchase them anyway."

Brendon put his bags down next to where Ryan put his bags. He grabbed the other slice of pizza from Patrick's plate.

"You're such a good sugar daddy." He bumped his shoulder against Ryan's.

Ryan smirked. "Aren't you supposed to give me something in return?"

Brendon smirked then. "I will. Eventually."

"You'd better." Ryan bit the pizza.

"You're so whipped." Pete laughed at them. "He totally has you by the balls. Metaphorical balls because he hasn't even touched your real balls yet."

"You have no idea what I've touched." Brendon bit his slice. Ryan laughed.

"Do you want another bite?" Pete held the remains of the pizza in his hand towards Patrick's mouth.

"No." He shook his head.

"You haven't eaten anything." He pushed it against his lips.

Patrick moved his head to the side. "That means I'm not hungry."

"Just bite it!"

Pete pushed the pizza forward with more force than he'd meant to. It smushed into the side of Patrick's face. Leaving the red sauce smeared onto his skin.


"I'm so sorry." He laughed. "I really didn't mean to."

"It's funny, is it?" Patrick lifted a slice out of the box.

Pete had no where to run. He was trapped between Patrick and the chair. He glanced over at Ryan for help. Ryan got the hint.

"I can't let you do that, Pat." Ryan walked over to Patrick. Pizza in hand.

Patrick glanced between Pete and Ryan.

"Two on one isn't fair!"

"We don't fight fair." Pete smiled.

"Brendon!" Patrick called to his best friend.

"What?" Brendon looked over at them with a mouthful of pizza.

"You're supposed to help me."

"I'm not wasting my food." He bit it again.

"Fuck you." Patrick laughed. He dropped the pizza back into the box. Pete dropped his mess of a pizza in there too.

"Smart choice." He licked the side of Patrick's face. Clearing some of the red from it.

"Ew." Ryan gagged.

"I'm eating!" Brendon complained.

Patrick's smile widened even more as he turned to face Pete again. Pete smiled back just as wide.

Pete's smile made Patrick's stomach twist. Patrick couldn't remember ever feeling something so strong, so quickly. Not even with Andy.

"I love you." He said again. Squeezing Pete's knee.

Pete lifted Patrick's hand off of his knee to intertwine their fingers. He stared into Patrick's eyes. Ryan glanced at him in disappointment. But Pete didn't let it get to him. It wasn't his fault. He didn't tell Patrick to fall in love with him.

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