Twenty Four

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"I want to go to dinner." Ryan announced as they got into the car.

"No." Pete and Brendon said at the same time.

"Dinner! Dinner! Dinner!" Ryan began chanting. Slapping his hands on his knees with each word.

"What are you, ten?" Brendon scoffed.

"Yeah, inches." Ryan winked.

Pete laughed. Patrick giggled. Brendon made a gagging sound.

"Ten inches away from making a foot maybe." Brendon muttered.

"Jeffy, take us to dinner!" Ryan called out to the driver. The car slowed down.

"Jefferson, take us home." Pete commanded and the car sped up.

"But I'm starving!"

"We'll order in."

"But Patrick looks so good tonight." Pete raised a thick brow. Where was he going with this? "It would be a shame if that outfit was wasted."

"It wasn't wasted." Brendon rolled his eyes. "It's going to be all over the cover of a magazine in week or so."

"Why do you always go against what I say, hmm? You like arguing with me? Does that do something for you?" Ryan smirked at Brendon.

"Yes, it makes you look like an idiot and that makes me happy."

"Why do you dislike me?"

"You want that list in alphabetical order?"

"You are both adults." Pete snapped at them. "Act like it."

Both of them sat up straighter in their seats. Brendon glanced over at Ryan and noticed he was still staring at him. So he stuck his tongue out at the taller man. Ryan mimicked his actions.

"Patrick!" Ryan called his name excitedly.

"Yes?" He answered wearily.

"Don't you want to go out to dinner." Ryan's eyes widened and he nodded slightly. Hoping Patrick got the hint.

"I-uh, yeah. I could eat."

"You could eat, or you want to go out and eat?" Pete asked for clarification.

"I-" Ryan mouthed the word out to him. "I want to go out to eat."

Pete nodded. "Jefferson, Take us to the closest place."

"Yes, sir."

"Hey, we just passed a Wendy's." Brendon pointed out the window.

"So?" Pete took his phone out of his pocket and began sliding through things.

"So, that was the closest place."

"No. He meant the closest place we could actually eat at." Ryan laughed.

Brendon glared.

They drove past a few other chain restaurants before the car finally stopped. Jefferson opened the door and stepped back. Ryan got out first. Followed by Brendon, Patrick then Pete. But as they walked, Pete and Patrick ended up in front.

"Sorry, we're full." The blonde haired man said without even looking up.

"That's not my problem." Pete's tone was calm and sure.

"Listen, sir- Mr. Wentz?" He quickly replaced his frown with a smile. "What a pleasure to have you with us today. Will that be a table for four?"

"No." Brendon said sarcastically. "We came to sit on the floor. Carpet for four please."

"Don't be rude." Patrick whispered. Elbowing him.

"Right this way." The man walked into the restaurant. He paused for a second beside another worker to tell him, "Cancel the Williams reservation." The other man nodded and walked on. They stopped at a table directly in the center. "I'll be back with your menus."

Pete sat down and motioned for Patrick to sit beside him. Ryan sat across from Pete. Brendon took the last empty seat. Their menus were sat in front of them.

"Would you like the salmon?" Pete asked Patrick.

Patrick giggled. "If I like what you have better, can we switch?"

"I was going to have the salmon as well."

"But I want to try something new."

"So order something at random."

"But what if I don't like the taste?"

"Then," Pete leaned towards Patrick. Making the younger mans eyes widened. When he was just a breath away, he spoke. "We switch."

Patrick's eyes lit up and he giggled yet again. Pete leaned back and smiled.

"You guys are cute." Ryan smiled too. He turned to Brendon. "Why don't we do cute things?"

"Please stop talking to me." Ryan smirked at his words. "And if you don't move your hand off of my thigh I will stab you with a fork."

Ryan reached over and grabbed Brendon's fork. "What now?"

Brendon smiled sweetly. He lifted his spoon off of the table and examined it closely. He turned it upside down and it disappeared under the table. Ryan's hand snatched up. He shook it a few times before bringing it to his mouth.

"That's what." Brendon snatched his fork back and sat both utensils down.

"Are you ready to order?" A waiter stood over their table holding a familiar bottle. "If not, Champagne while you wait?"

"No thank you." Pete shook his head quickly. Sparing a glance at Patrick. Who'd already had his fair share of the bubbly drink.

"A wine?"

"That'd be better. Red or white, Patrick?"

"Um, red?"

"How about a nice, subtle, Louis Jadot?" Pete said to the man.

"I'm awfully sorry sir. Our last bottle of Jadot was just served tonight."

"Oh?" Pete frowned.

"Yes, sir. To the newly engaged couple over there." The waiter pointed to a corner table.

All eyes turned to the table. Patrick gasped. His hands coming up to cover his mouth. Pete glanced down at his companion in concern. Patrick looked back up at him in horror. Brendon's face held a similar look. But his eyes never left the engaged couple.

"Patrick?" Pete tried to gently pry his hands away from his face. But Patrick didn't budge. His eyes shimmereing with unshed tears. "Patrick!" It was Pete's turn to look horrified. Pete didn't do tears. He turned to glare at Ryan. "What's going on?"

Ryan shrugged. "I don't know! Brendon?"

Brendon turned to face the members of his table again. His eyes fiery enough to melt stone.

"That's Andy. Patrick's ex."

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