Forty Two

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(Just Smutty AF TBQH *shrugs*)

All signs of merriment left Pete's face at Patrick's words. Patrick's eyes widened. He wasn't exactly expecting a negative reaction.

Instead of responding verbally, Pete pulled Patrick's face to his. Letting their lip connect yet again.

Pete rolled over Patrick. Gently tugging the smaller man's boxers down without separating their lip.
Patrick tried his best to remain calm. Scared that if he starting shaking again, Pete would stop again.

Pete's hand touched Patrick. He froze at the contact. Not sure what to do. His confidence from the intensity before, faltering during the slower experience.

Patrick understood immediately. He rolled them over again. Making it so that he was straddling Pete's waist. He pulled down the tight brief. Only far enough to release Pete. His hand circled around the base.

Pete groaned. "W-Wait!"

"Why wait?" Patrick didn't even try to hide the desperation in his voice.

"D-Don't we need. An uh. Some- um." He exhaled deeply. "Damnit, Patrick move your hand. I can't think."

"Sorry." Patrick opened his hand.

"Lube! Don't we need lube or something? I remember Ryan saying something about-"

Shit. He was right. "I didn't bring any."

"Ryan probably has some-"

"I-Uh, I don't have the patience to stop and look for it-"

"Patrick," Pete groaned.

"We don't need it." Patrick leaned over to press his lips against Pete's again. Softly. Quickly. "We." Kiss. "Don't." Kiss. "Need." Kiss. "It." Kiss.

"I-I don't want to hurt you, Patrick."

"You won't. I promise."

That was a lie. Patrick had no idea what sex without lube was like. He was sure it would hurt some what. But taking Pete's gay virginity would be worth all the pain in the world.

So he grabbed Pete in his hand again. This time quickly moving his wrist up and down. Up and down. Pete pushed his head further into the mattress. Shutting his eyes tightly.

Patrick leaned down to kiss him. Sucking Pete's full bottom lip between his teeth. Preparing for the pain he knew was coming as he aligned Pete with his entrance.

And slowly, so slowly that it didn't seem real, he lowered himself into Pete.

Pain shot through his back as his body tensed against it. Patrick bit down on Pete's lip. It was Pete's turn to whimper.

Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Patrick mentally coached himself. Willing himself to relax. Two minutes past of Patrick just breathing heavily. Pete couldn't breathe at all.



Patrick's body began to relax at the soothing sound of Pete's voice. His clenched muscles loosened slightly. And he moved. Lowering himself an inch more. Pete growled against his mouth.

Patrick sunk down another inch. Biting down harder on Pete's lips. With each inch, his teeth pushed into Pete's lips harder. When the skin of his ass finally touched the skin of Pete's thighs, he bit down hard enough to taste blood.

Pete's hands reached up to grab Patrick's waist. His fingers digging into the skin of his hips. Urging him to keep still.

But Patrick wasn't in the mood to obey. He lifted himself off off Pete. Letting only the tip of him remain in place. And then he dropped down hard. Ignoring the smidge of discomfort it caused.

Pete moaned into his mouth.

Patrick repeated his actions again and again. Each time feeling more pleasure than pain. Pete was digging into his side hard enough to cause permanent bruising.

Patrick released his grip on Pete's lip. Throwing his head back as his hips rocked a steady beat onto Pete. Pete lowered his hands to his thighs and grabbed him there.

"For fucks sake!" He moaned the words. "S-Slow down, Patrick."

"Uh uh." Patrick shook his head vigorously.

Pete slid his hand back up Patrick's thigh. He only hesitated for a second before he wrapped his hands around him. Stroking slowly. Hoping it'd make Patrick slow down. But it only proved to do the opposite.

Patrick rode faster and faster onto Pete. The bed shook under them. The post knocking into the wall. Louder than Pete thought was possible. It'd be a miracle if everyone in the house couldn't hear them right now.

Pete kept his grunt and moans at a volume only Patrick could hear. But Patrick wasn't as courteous. He practically screamed Pete's name at the top of his lungs. Muttering the word faster every few seconds.

Pete's stamina was lessening with each thrust. He stroked Patrick faster. Begging the man to come first. But Patrick wouldn't comply.

Pete wasn't going to let himself finish first. That just wasn't the type of guy he was. So he used his free hand to grab Patrick's face down to his. And he kissed him quickly. Feeling a slight stinging in his lip.

"Cum, for me, baby." He whispered against Patrick's mouth.

And just like that, Patrick came. He rode the high for a few seconds before his body went weak against Pete's chest. Pete wrapped his arms around Patrick's middle and finally let himself go.

They laid there in the dark. Holding each other. Covered in sweat and other things they'd rather not think of.

When he finally felt strong enough to lift his head again, Patrick kissed Pete's chin. Feeling the hairs that had grown back throughout the day.

"I love you, Pete." He said again. Feeling himself fall into the pit of darkness that was sleep.

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