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Pete stared down at Patrick. He had two suitcases and a bag over his shoulder. So he was really going to just leave without saying goodbye to him?

Patrick's heart fluttered in his chest at the sight of Pete. But he still glared at the man. What did he mean he wasn't letting him leave? They weren't together anymore.

And Patrick wasn't going to be tricked into staying. No matter how good Pete looked in his black skinny jeans and chest hugging, white T-shirt.

Literally fuck suits! They all deserved to be burned.

"What are you wearing?" The words slipped from his mouth.

"I uh, just threw anything on-"

"Why are you here, Pete?"

"Because I'm not letting you leave me."

"Just like you weren't letting me leave you at Gerard's party?" Pete didn't answer. Patrick rolled his eyes and lifted his suitcases back into his hands. "I have to go."

"Patrick no. Just listen to me. I-I'm sorry."

"Is that supposed to fix what you said?"

"I didn't mean any of that shit. You- we- I miss you."

"So what? You come bursting into this house minutes before I'm supposed to leave to confess your feelings to me? And then I'm supposed to just forgive you and live happily ever after?"

Yes. That's exactly it. "I, uh-"

"Because if that was your plan, I'm sorry to tell you it isn't going to work. This isn't some gay, generic fanfiction written by some hopeless romantic teen. This is real life. And I really don't want to hear anything you have to say."

"Patrick, please-"

"No, Pete. You hurt me. So fucking bad! And I'm done!"

"You can't pretend to be the innocent party in all of this. I walked in on you kissing Andy!"

"He kissed me! I didn't kiss him."

"You didn't move away either."

"You're one to talk! You think I didn't see Mikey all over you? You think I don't know what he meant by a personal deal?"

"Who cares if he was all over me? I was all over you. And, yes, he offered me sex. Lots of people do. But that doesn't mean I agreed to it!"

"Maybe I don't want to be with someone who's always surrounded by sex offers."

"I can't control who wants me, Patrick. I can only control who I want. And I want you."


"Nobody talks like you." Pete gently pried the suitcases from Patrick's hands. Tossing them back on the floor. "Nobody makes me smile like you do." He reached over to trace Patrick's bottom lip with his thumb. Patrick smiled slightly before frowning. "Nobody is as nice as you. And nobody is as hot as you-"

"Now, I know that one's a lie."

"Not to me." Pete pulled Patrick closer by his waist. "Nobody feels like you do." His hands traveled upward, slipping under Patrick's shirt. Patrick shivered under his touch. "And nobody taste like you."

He pressed his lips agaisnt his softly. Once. Twice. He let his mouth move downward. To the base of Patrick's neck. His fingers slid forward under the shirt. Tracing a line down Patrick's stomach. Patrick's back arched. Pushing him closer.

"Pete-" he groaned the name.

"Nobody moans like you, Patrick."

Patrick reached up to tangle his fingers into Pete's hair. Forcing the man's mouth back down on his.

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