Chapter 3.

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"Berry. Where are you?"

"Berry." He shouted.

"Yeah.!! I found you."

"Please.. Please... I'm sorry.. Please." Fatima said while crying mess.

"What have I told you berry. Not to hide from me, but you did what."

"Sorry... I'll.. Not hide.. Please please.. Don't hurt me... Please."

"I am going to hurt you berry and you know that but still you try to hide from me. Let's do the thing like we did last night or the before one's. What do you say?"

"No no no please no please no." Fatima begged.

Fatima's pov:

I again woke up with this nightmares. Why everytime it feels so real. It's still 3 am. I know he will not come again but he is still with me in my head controlling my every action. Controlling my dreams. Controlling my life.

Even if he is far away for me he is still controlling me like I'm his puppet.

I shake away this thoughts and went to offer my tahajjud Salah. I just sat there for good 1 hour staring at the prayer mat. I got up and was going through the file Hasan gave me. Fatima it's Dr Hasan. Oh.. Yeah Dr Hasan.

I completed the file and it's still 4:45am. I took my outfit for the day and placed it on my bed. I went to balcony and sat there for over 15 minutes. I got up and offered my fajr prayer.

Today also I skipped my breakfast. It's just waste of time. I took a chocolate and ate it so that I won't pass out infront of anyone. It was almost 7:50. I went down and sat in my car thinking whether I locked my door or not.

I again went up and to my surprise it was locked. Wow I locked it. I laughed at my own silliness. I don't know when I laughed properly. I just smile so that it hides my every pain and suffering. I even forgot how to laugh like real.

Luckily I arrived hospital at 8:45. I think today I don't have to listen his scoldings. I know I've to be used to it but I just can't. I just can't think of him scolding me well I deserve his cold behaviour after all for what I did. I went inside and went to my room. Not my room but the room residence share. I kept my bag and took the file and started reading it again so that I can't do any mistakes infront of him.

I looked at the watch and it's already 9:05. Shit. I've to go down fast. Please Allah help me. I rushed towards the general ward. I saw Hasan standing there with his crossed hands. I think I'll be scolded again. Please go gentle on me today please.

I swallowed the lump struck in my throat and went there lowering my gaze. I stood there silently as there were no new patients who need care. I was fidgeting my fingers to calm my nerves.

"Assalam ul alaikum." He said in his hoarse voice. It wasn't like yesterday though. His voice can make my body do different different things.

"Walikum as salam." I said in a low voice still looking down at the floor.

"How are you feeling now?"

Did he really asked that. But why. Why will he ask me that. I really feel like crying now but I just can't. Crying is for strong but I'm so weak that I can't even cry my heart out and to be honest I'm scared of crying infront of anyone.

"Fine." I said in barely audible voice. " Sorry."

"For what?" He asked. I know he is also not looking at me so that I won't feel uncomfortable under his gaze. Which I am really thankful for.

For everything, for hurting you, for breaking your trust, for leaving you, for playing with your feelings. For everything Hasan for everything.

"For.. Yesterday's.. behaviour."

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