Chapter 22.

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It was the next morning everyone ate their breakfast and were chatting together in the lawn. Haya came and sat with them.

"Finally everyone is here let's play something." Hania said with excitement.

"What do you wanna play?" Hamid asked.

"Som..." Hania was interrupted by haya.

"Let's do race I heard Fatima is champion in running. She can run pretty fast from anywhere." Haya said looking at Fatima.

Hasan clenched his jaw and curled his fingers into fist, Fatima immediately noticed it and held his fist in both of her hands. She started caressing it.

"Really?" Rumaisa asked.

Fatima smiled at her weakly.

"I was in my schooling time." She said quietly.

"Ohh.. So you were runner from school, how many times..."

"Let's play hide and seek." Hamid said interrupting haya.


Hania and Zara said at the same time.

"What do you guys say?" Hamid asked looking at Fatima and Hasan.

"It will be great." Fatima said with a fake smile.

"Hasan?" She asked looking at him. Their fingers were still interlocked.

"Yes Jaan."

"Are you playing."

"I don't.."

"Please." She said with pleading eyes.

"Fine but I'll not seek." He said glaring at haya.

"Let's do a race who comes last have to seek." Hania said.






"Yaaayy.." hania came first then Hasan then Hamid then Fatima then Zara then Rumaisa and lastly haya.

"So haya will seek, all of you hide fast." Hamid said and ran from there.

Hasan took fatima's hand and ran the other way. They were at some quiet and abandoned place.

"Fathi pack your bags we are leaving. Now."

"Hasan but why?"

"We are leaving and that's final fathi. I can't see you getting hurt by her words."

"Hasan I'm not taking it serious and she said the truth I was the champion in school times."

"Fatima don't pretend infront me. I know you are going through hell right now. Your fake smile might work for others but it will never work on me so pack your bags we are leaving now without telling anyone. I will say we had an emergency patient."

"Hasan but I'm enjoying here after a long time and it might effect me a little but the..." Before she says anything else Hasan kept his hand on her mouth and pulled her down under a table.
She was surprised for a moment. He kept his index finger on his mouth indicating to don't talk.
His other hand was still on her mouth. They were deathly close to eachother. Their heartbeats were clearly audible to each other.

"Zara if you are here come out now." Haya said.

Fatima shut her eyes tightly and clutched Hasan's arm. Hasan smirked seeing her.
After two minutes haya left from there as she didn't find anyone there.
Fatima's eyes were still closed. Hasan cupped her cheeks and kissed the tip of her nose. She opened her eyes and her cheeks started to heat.

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