Chapter 48.

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Fatima and Bilal talked for about an hour then went to eat their breakfast. They tried to act normal but couldn't, Fatima could feel pity and guilt in their eyes especially in Aziz's. She tried to behave normal and tried to make them forget about that.

She was playing with Amna when a bell rang. Bilal and Aziz didn't went to office today, they just couldn't go after seeing Fatima's condition. Noor went to open the door, Fatima was giggling the whole time while playing with Amna. Aziz was just looking at her from far without getting noticed by any one.

Nida took Amna as she have to feed her, Fatima was going in the drawing room to see who came but she froze at her spot. She was just moving back and stumbled, she was about to fall but Bilal held her.

"Bhai, why is she here?" She was a little scared.

Bilal was confused for a minute then looked who came and understood why Fatima was scared.

"Maybe just to meet." He said calmly looking at her.

"Can you please drop me back, I want to go home."

"Relax Jerry relax. You were never this scared of her what happened now?"

"Before baba was there to protect me or just stay by my side but now it's not the case. I don't want to see her."

"Don't worry." Aziz said from behind. She looked back but immediately looked down seeing Aziz. She just nodded in response not wanting to disobey him. He went from there.

"Relax Fatima, everything will be fine. You can trust me." He said looking at her. She nodded and hugged him. Bilal felt like as if he achieved the most expensive thing in the world. It was fatima's maternal grandmother, they never had a grandmother and granddaughter relation. She is a woman of old thinking.

Bilal held Fatima's hand and they went to drawing room. She was shocked first but made a disgusted face looking at Fatima. Fatima greeted her awkwardly but she didn't replied. She looked at Bilal and smiled widely.

"Why is she here?" She asked with bitterness in her voice.

"It's her house she can come anytime." Aziz said this time shocking Fatima. She tightened her grip on Bilal's hand, he was just caressing her hand.

"Don't you remember your humiliation Aziz."

Bilal and Aziz were saying something but Fatima cut them off.

"I'm sorry." She said in a low voice.

She scoffed "this is nice anyone can run anytime and come back to say just sorry."

"It's not your problem Mrs Samreen." Aziz said in a Stern voice understanding that Fatima doesn't want to tell anything. With that nida came with Amna and greeted her. Fatima took Amna and placed her gently on her lap.

"How many children does she have?"

"None." She said looking at Amna.

"7 years and not a single kid, doesn't he regret marrying a girl like you."

Again Bilal and Aziz was saying something but Fatima interrupted them.

"I was divorced." She said with out feeling any emotions.

"No doubt." She said making Bilal anger to burst. He was saying something but Fatima held his hand and shook her head.

"Bete, why are you giving that daughter of yours to her. She is already a divorcee and you are making her like her aunt. Don't let her spend time with her, she will also run away one day. That's why I told you to kill or give to others, in the first place, she will be a disgrace like her aunt. Keep her in her limits from now on or you know what happens." She said making Fatima burst into anger.

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