Chapter 47.

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It was a week after Hasan's birthday. They were becoming inseperable. After two days of Hasan's birthday it was Hania's. They celebrated like they usually do. They became so used to eachothers presence.

"Hasan." She said going in his office. He was looking at some patients file.

"Yes, Jaan." He asked flipping the page.

"Is there any surgeries tomorrow which I've to assist." She said going near him.

"Why baby?" He asked pulling her on his lap and keeping his face on her shoulder.

"Maama called again. She said she will not take any excuse now and invited us for dinner. She asked us to stay there. So if there is any surgery I'll cancel the plan." She said playing with his fingers.

"We will go for dinner but I can't stay baby. You can be there for how many days you want and don't worry about surgeries. There are others who can assist and there is only two I guess." He said inhaling her scent.

"Okay, then I'll tell maama. She would be so happy."

"What about you?"


"Are you happy?"

"I am but I don't know. I'm a little scared also as you will not be there. I'm scared of nightmares also, they usually don't come when I'm with you so what if. I don't know my emotions are mixed."

"Relax relax sweetheart. Don't let negative things come to you. Nothing will happen, I can assure you that Bilal will support you now no matter what. Go with a peaceful mind everything will be fine."

"Okay." With that she took her phone.
"What about Ammi, I didn't ask her."

"I'll ask her and she will not stop you." Hasan said with a smile.
"Anyways you smell different today." He said with a smirk inhaling her again. She slapped his hand lightly.

"Different means good one or bad."

"It's a good one."

"It's a new body lotion rose and cream flavour."

"Oh..!! That's why you smell like Rose."

"C'mon now stop smelling me like a creep." She said with a grin.

"Baby I'm not a creep."

"Ofcourse you are not but stop that."

"But you smell nice."

"Hasannn." She said trying to get up from him.

"Okay okay I'll not do now." He said with a laugh pulling her down and making her comfortable.

"So, baby.." he was asking something but a knock came and interrupted them. Fatima tried to get up but he held her tight.

"Hasan, you are not going to do it again. Leave me."

"I'm not leaving you and yes I'm doing it again."

"Hasan please."

"No." He said with a grin.

"Come in." He said and loosened his grip. Fatima immediately got up and turned the opposite side taking his file. He chuckled at her then act cold.

"Dr Hasan I've something to ask to you." Sadaf said in a fake girly voice. She was the new doctor who is 28 years old and a pediatrician. Fatima rolled her eyes listening her fake sweet voice.

"What is it?" Hasan asked coldly looking at his laptop.

"It's personal." She said in a low voice looking at Fatima's back. Hasan looked at the way she was seeing Fatima.

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