Chapter 30.

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It's been a week after that. Fatima didn't saw her mother once as she was shifted to VIP room and no one was allowed except Hasan and two nurses. Aziz made sure that Fatima was no where near her mother. Aziz even told to switch the CCTV cameras as it was invading their privacy.

Bilal met her only once after that and that to before they were leaving. He gave his number to Fatima and said that she can call him anytime. Fatima was still uncomfortable around Bilal but not like before.

Hasan was making sure that she was alright and was not thinking something unusual about her, especially he was making sure that she was not blaming herself for anything.

She was getting nightmares again and Hasan didn't knew about any of these. She didn't tell him. She usually get panicked in her sleep and get up with cold sweats on her forehead. She didn't scream in her sleep so Hasan didn't know any of these.

It was night and Fatima again woke up with a nightmare breathing heavily and getting panicked. She look at her side and got scared for a moment but tried to compose herself. She slided herself near Hasan and buried her face in his chest.

"Hey what happened?" Hasan asked stroking her hairs. She flinched hearing his voice and moved away from him.

She sat on the bed looking down, fidgeting her fingers, Hasan sat infront of her and held both of her hands.

"Nightmares?" He asked in a low voice drawing circles with his thumbs.

Fatima just nodded still looking down.

"I thought you weren't having any, was it the only one from past 3 weeks."

She shook her head.

"From when?"

"1.. week." She said in a low voice.

"Talk to me luv."

"Please..I don't want to. I..promise I'll tell you but..please not now. Please don' mad at me I'm sorry please just.." she was saying further but got cut off in between.

"Relax relax you know I'll never force you in any thing. Don't tell me anything I'm absolutely fine and I'll never get mad at you Jaan. No need to force yourself, just don't stress about anything. Everything will be fine sweetheart."

She nodded. "Can..I please..hug you."

"Why would you even take the permission come here." He said wrapping his hands around her. Gently caressing her back and stroking her hairs. She felt calm in his embrace.

"Fathi." Hasan said in a low voice.

Fatima looked at him.

"Why didn't you wake me up. I told you to wake me up if you get any nightmares."

"I didn't want to burden you. I know how much you are over working in hospital. I know you are getting so tired. So, I thought I'll disturb your sleep because of my stupid nightmares."

"Fatima, how many times should I tell you this, that you are never a burden to me and your nightmares are not stupid and stop neglecting your health. If you again get nightmares wake me up without thinking twice. Understood?"

Fatima just nodded in response.

"Fatima, I can't listen your nods."

"Ye-s" she stuttered. It was the first time Fatima was getting scared of him. His voice was scaring her. She was just looking down at her hands.

"Now sleep Fatima."

"Ok-ay." She said and without wasting a single second she was trying to sleep.

Fatima was trying so hard from half an hour to sleep but she just can't sleep until she hold his hand. She was scared of Hasan, she was thinking why he even got mad at her.

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