Chapter 43.

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It was a week since they went to fatima's family. Fatima was trying to fix her relations with her family not Aziz though cause she is still scared of him and she needs a lot of time to be get back to normal with him.

Fatima didn't went to hospital today as she was not feeling so well. Hania, Rumaisa and Zara went to mall with Hamza leaving Rida with laiba. Haya was in her room and so does laiba was. Fatima was taking rest because of her severe stomach cramps.

She got up from her bed to get some chocolates from kitchen. She dragged herself down and drank water and sat on the chair resting her head on the counter. Her stomach and back was hurting like crazy. She took the chocolate and was eating it.

With that a door Bell came. She covered her hairs and went to open the door. She opened the door revealing two women. One in her fifties and other in her thirties.

"Assalam ul alaikum how can I help you?" Fatima asked in a polite way.

"Walikum as salaam we are haya's in laws." The woman in her thirties said in a Stern voice.

"Please please come in. Sorry I didn't noticed you." Fatima said and asked them to sit in the drawing room.

"Didi will come in a minute." Fatima said and went to inform laiba and haya. She first went to laiba's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in bete." Laiba said from inside.

Fatima opened the door and got in.

"Ammi Didi's in laws came, I asked them to sit in the drawing room."

"Okay bete I'll see call haya and how are feeling now?"


"Take care bete you are looking so weak. First eat something."

"Yes Ammi." Fatima said with a smile. Laiba went down and Fatima went to haya's room and knocked the door slightly. A minute later haya opened the door.

"What happened Fatima? Are you fine?" Haya asked.

"I'm fine di actually your in laws came downstairs."

"What..!? Danish also came?"

"No, two ladies came."

"Okay. Did you told Ammi?"

"Yes, she is with them."

"Okay thank you Fatima I'll come in a minute."

"Di are you fine?"

"Yes yes what will happen to me."

Fatima just smiled and went from there. She went down and was making tea for them. She was feeling so tired, with that Rida came running in the kitchen. Fatima picked her and made her sit on her lap.

Fatima gave some chocolate to Rida and got up and served some snacks and tea. She carefully put everything in tray and took it to them and kept it on the table.

"Do you think my son will come and beg you to come back" Haya's mother in law said in a strict voice.

"Don't be in dreams Miss, you are coming with us if not stay here forever." Her sister in law spoke this time.

"Don't take steps in rush let our children decide it." Laiba said calmly.

"Danish is already fed up with her. In 7 years she had 700 fights and she didn't even gave a single child. What is the use of her then, my son can marry a beautiful girl who will fulfill his dreams."

Haya was looking down with tears rolling down her eyes.

"Excuse me, you don't have any right to speak to her in that tone. Don't you know everything happens with Allah's will. Don't blame her for things which are not in her hand. She is not a machine to produce any babies and threaten someone else. If your son is so capable then marry him off." Fatima snapped making haya and laiba shock.

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