Chapter 12

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Fatima's pov:

I was now waiting in his room. Everything was decorated with roses not a single other flower but only red roses. I was just struck in awe. It was like a fairytale. Hania made me sit on his bed.

I'm so nervous and scared. I waited for more than 40 minutes. There is no sign of him. I went to washroom took shower and offered my Salah. I was pacing in his room.

I'm so sleepy. I again sat on his bed and I don't remember when I slept.

Author's pov:

After about 2 hours, Hasan came. He stood there seeing his sleeping Beauty on his bed. He went near her and sat on his toes near his bed. He was admiring her. Unknowingly a smile crept on his face. He saw her hairs for the first time.
He gently touched her hairs. It was so smooth. He stood up and went to washroom, took his shower and offered his prayers. He thanked Allah multiple times.

He took another pillow from his bed and kept on the couch. He slept on the couch as he didn't asked Fatima about sleeping together on same bed cause he knew she was uncomfortable with men.

He again looked at her for the last time and slept on the couch with a smile. It was around 3am. Fatima again woke up due to nightmare. As soon as she saw Hasan, her nerves started to calm down.

She slowly got up from bed and went near Hasan. She gently placed the blanket on his body. She sat on floor near his couch and was admiring him and thanking Allah for giving him.

She kept her head on the glass table which was kept infront of couch. Unknowingly she slept like that.

It was around 5am. Hasan woke up. He was shocked seeing her like that sleeping infront of him with the cutest face. He was trying to get up but before he can get up Fatima moved a bit. Hasan closed his eyes again and started acting as if he was sleeping.

He didn't want Fatima to feel embarrass infront of him so he closed his eyes. She woke up and her whole body was aching due to the position she slept. She got up from the floor.

"Thankyou Hasan for staying by my side." She said quietly and went to washroom to shower and to get freshen up.

Hasan heart broke listening her. He was cursing himself for not coming early last night.
Fatima wore maroon colour outfit she was looking so beautiful. The colour was enhancing her beauty and her skin tone. She was drying her hairs with the towel.

Hasan was slowly glancing at her. She dried her hairs and came near Hasan.

"Hasan." She called in a low voice.

"Hasan get up."

She came forward sat on her toes and hesitantly forward her index finger. She gently touched his hand with her finger.


She then shaked him a little.

"Hasan please get up."

Hasan moved a little and opened his eyes. Fatima got up from the ground.

"Assalam ul alaikum."

"Walikum as salaam sweetheart." He said in his sleepy voice making her heart beat to raise.

"Wake up for Salah." She said and turned around to go but was stopped when Hasan grabbed her wrist gently.
Fatima looked at him. He was now sitting on the couch. He made her sit infront of him.

"Jaan (life) I'm so sorry for coming late last night." Hasan said while interlocking their fingers.
Fatima's heart skipped a beat.

"It wasn't a big deal Hasan."

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