Chapter 20.

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Hasan was sitting on his chair while his hands were securely wrapped around his sleeping Beauty. Fatima's hands were wrapped around his neck and her face was buried in the crook of his neck.

He was caressing her back with a smile plastered on his face. He feels lucky to have her. Her legs were swinging in the air which made Hasan to chuckle. She looks like a cutest baby in the whole world.

A knock came on his office door.
"Co.." he was about to say something but Fahad already entered.

His eyes widened seeing Fatima so close with Hasan. The way she was sleeping peacefully on him made his blood boil but he smiled at Hasan. He already made a mental note to suffer Fatima.

Hasan saw his anger dripping gaze on Fatima and tried distracting him. He kept his hand on her face and other on her back, blocking the view for Fahad.

"Hey bud, what made you come here?" He asked quietly not making his sleeping Beauty's sleep disturb.

"Well I just came to check on you. But seems you are having a great day."

"Well yes, it's really a great day."

"I'll leave first talk to you later."

"If it's important you can talk."

"No it's not a big deal."

Hasan nodded.
Fahad was way to angry. He always wanted to tear them apart but the more he was trying the more they were coming closer. He went to his car and punched on the window. The scene of Fatima resting on Hasan was roaming in his mind.

He tried to contact his friend but it was switched off. He sat in his car and drove back with a speed.

Hasan was doing some work on laptop. He wasn't moving very much so that he will not disturb her. Fatima moved a bit and opened her eyes after blinking a few time her vision got clear. She looked up and saw Hasan's calm face which made her blush.

She looked at the window and gasped. Hasan noticed her movement and looked at her.

"What happen Fathi?"

"Did I slept?"

Hasan laughed and nodded in response. She got up from him and he streched a bit.

"Really sorry I don't even remember when I slept. It takes me hours to sleep. Did I really slept so peacefully."

Hasan laughed at her cuteness.

"I guess I did a magic then." Hasan said with a smirk.

"Yes, you are really a magician." Fatima said with a smile.

"Come let's go we will get late for our date."


"Yes, did you forget."

"I mean no but it really feels so nice to call it as a date." Fatima said with so much love in her eyes.

She is the cutest. Hasan's thought.

They went to his car and was at home well mansion. They went inside while talking about something random. Fatima stood in her place with some nervous expression, Hasan followed her gaze and looked infront.

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