Chapter 70.

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"What happened Fathi?" Hasan asked approaching Fatima.

"I'm scared." She said in a low voice looking at him.

Hasan cupped her face and started caressing her cheeks.

"Don't worry I'm with you."

"I know but I'm scared of their questions what if they blame me and say things or like that officer who say that he was my--."she cut herself from saying it, she doesn't even want to call him as her ex husband.

"What if they will blame me and send me to prison for giving him the sedatives and what if they got to know that I smashed the vase on him or.."she was rambling while shaking. Her voice was getting choked every now and then.

"Hey hey shush." Hasan hugged her tightly pulling her more closer towards him.

"Hasan I'm scared I'm so scared, what if he looks at me with those looks..I don't want it. It's getting hard." She started crying clutching his shirt tightly.

"Relax Jaan relax."

"I don't want to go please..I don't. It's hard so hard..I thought I can do this..but I can't Hasan I can't. I don't want that looks again...I don't want to go."

Hasan closed his eyes seeing her like this in so much pain. He pulls her closer. He have no words to say to her so that she can be calm or feel relaxed. He was just holding her closer to him not in a mood to leave her alone for a second and she wasn't complaining either. She needed it.

"Hasan is it necessary for me to come." She asked in a barely audible voice making Hasan to feel bad and guiltly.

"Love, how much I don't want to say it I should. You have to be there and it's court orders."

"Why did we even file this case?" She thought out loud.

She moved from him and was looking deeply in his eyes. As if searching for the calmness. Hasan wiped her tears and gently kissed her forehead and both her cheeks.

"It's going to fine love."

"Please be with me."

"Always fathi."

"You trust me right?"

"More than you can imagine Jaan."

"You even love me right?"

"Beyond anything sweetheart."

She smile genuinely making a warm feeling in Hasan's heart. He runs his hand in her hairs and she relaxed leaning on his chest.

"Be like my strongest girl and don't let anyone see you are scared. You are so brave fathi know that."

Fatima was just nodding all along. With that Fatima's phone started ringing. She didn't moved an inch away from Hasan's embrace.

"Fatima pick up the phone."

"Please not now." She mumbled.

It goes off and now Hasan's phone started ringing. He took his mobile from the pocket and answer it. It was Bilal.

"Assalam ul alikum Hasan, where are you? Is Fatima okay she isn't answering my call."

"Walikum as salaam don't worry she is fine and I think within half an hour we will be there."

"Okay, we are leaving now. Is she okay?"


"Can you give her the phone."

"Fathi, it's Bilal do you wanna talk?"

She just nodded still not moving an inch. Hasan was giving the phone to her but instead she kept it on speaker and Hasan was still holding it. Her hands were wrapped around his torso and she was resting her face on his chest, Hasan's one hand was around her waist caressing it gently and one hand holding the phone near her.

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