Chapter 64

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It's been 11 months now and Hasan was able to walk on his own with some little support of wall. They all were extremely happy looking at his progress. He still didn't remember anything but his behaviour literally changed towards Fatima.

Fatima was taking him to mini dates where they went before and this was giving him some flashbacks. Everything looks blurry but he can understand what his flashbacks are giving.

They shifted back to their room and Fatima was going back to hospital. She wasn't doing overwork but some 2,3 surgeries a day. They kept a personal driver for Fatima but after making sure he was safe.

It's been 1.5 years of Hania's marriage. They were really happy with eachother and his family was also so kind with her. She already made a big place in their hearts. Aiman and Hania got really close and were doing so many pranks on Asif, he never gets angry instead he was also enjoying it.

Hamid and his family were also doing good. Rida started going to pre school and Hamza started walking and talking. They are the jokers of the house, Hasan's bond with them were so close. He could literally do anything for them.

It was night time, Hamid and haya were sitting in the lawn after their dinner. They were talking about some meeting and about their next project.

"Haya, there is something I want to talk to you."

"What is it Hamid?"

"Don't react fast, I'm just telling you."

"Okay don't be this nervous." She said with a laugh.

"Actually.." he stopped in the middle.

"I'm not giving you my project nor I'll do your pending work, even if you give me money."

Hamid shook his head with a smile.

"Now say what's the matter."

"There is a doctor in Hasan's hospital."

"Hamid there are so many doctors in his hospital." She said with a chuckle.

"Okay fine listen." He took a deep breath and look at her.

"There is this Dr Usman in Hasan's hospital who wants to marry you. Don't pressurise yourself but he just wants to talk to you before anything." Hamid said in a single breath, haya was just froze in her place.

"I don't want to." She said after a big pause looking infront of her.

"I know you don't want to but atleast listen what he want to say."

"Hamid it's not easy for me." She was trying so hard to control her emotions.

"So, you never want to get married again."

"I don't know."

"Think about this haya, don't answer quickly take your time. If you want I'll do some work on him."

"Hamid please."

"Okay okay relax."

They just sat there in complete silence.

"I'm scared." Haya said fidgeting her fingers.

Hamid kept his hand around her shoulder and pulled her towards him.

"Don't be twinie."

"I just can't decide."

"Haya it's been more than 3.5 years of your divorce. I know you are happy and doing great but you will have to move on. You can't struck because of that bastard and not everyone will be same."

"What if they are same."

"No haya they can't be, how much I saw Usman in this year I don't think he is like that. You know the truth, I never wanted you to marry Danish in first place. I even told this to Baba but he said I was protective of you and it's just my fear. But this time I trust Allah and I think he will be right for you."

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