Chapter 7.

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It was almost 2 months after they talked last time. They usually talk for some work reasons or if it's so important. They were trying their best to act like they don't know each other. Fatima continued doing her job because she don't want to bring her personal and professional life together.

Even now she was eating so little. She often feel dizziness and headache but she was neglecting it. Safa really became so close to her, she even gave her number to Fatima.

Fatima was trying her best to act normal even though she was going through hell daily. She just thinks Allah is always there for her and he alone is enough for her. Indeed he alone is enough for everyone.

On the other hand Hasan was doing his best in his job and was treating his patients with full attention. Even though his personal life sucks he still was professionally strong. His mother was forcing him to get married and was bringing so many proposals for him. He rejected every girl without even seeing their profile or photos.

Today as usual there were so many patients in the hospital they look after them and treated them. Hasan was not one of those doctors who will first take money from patients then treat them. He never cared for money. His only focus was how to treat his patients.

He believes that even though we shut the door for money it will eventually come to you as Allah has already written their fate and everything before they were born, so why to worry unnecessarily.

It was around 7:30pm he came back from mosque after offering his Salah. There was a huge accident 1km away from the hospital. There were so many wounded people. A car and a bus was collided with each other. The bus was full with the passengers.

"Red alert, red alert. I request all the doctors to come in emergency ward as soon as possible." Hasan said in mic. His voice was audible in every speaker throughout the whole hospital.

Everyone was rushing downstairs to go and help as soon as possible. Fatima was in her Salah when she heard Hasan's voice in the speaker.
She offered her Salah and rushed towards the stairs.

She can't take stairs right now as the stretchers and other big big equipment were taken down from stairs. After making her mind she went near lift. She hesitantly pressed the lift button. Her hands were trembling in fear.

The sound made by lift made her flinch. She read some verses and went inside, she pressed the button for ground floor as the general ward is in ground floor. She shut her eyes tightly and started taking deep breath to avoid the panic attack.

There was a big sound in the lift which made her flinch badly. She hesitantly opened her eyes and the lights of the lifts were off. The lift was struck. She started getting panic.

"Please.. Open the door.. Please." She was panicking.

She was banging the door countinously while shouting and begging to open the door. Her heart beat started to go on its peak and she can't breath, her whole body started shaking and shivering in fear.

Flashbacks of those horrible moments were starting to come in her head as if laughing at her state. She couldn't speak a single word. She was so scared and her panic attacks were getting worse. Her eyes starting to shut down because of lack of energy.

Everyone was down helping the patients they didn't even noticed fatima's absence as they were so busy in treating the patients.

"Sahil bring some more disposable equipments fast." Hasan ordered to one of his staff.

He rushed towards the lift and started pressing the button. But there were no signs of any moment.

"Dr Hasan I guess the lift is struck." sahil said.

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