Chapter 50.

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"Hasan Hasan Hasannn."

"Coming Jaan two minutes."

"I'm starving."

"Coming coming."

It's 2 in the night and Fatima was craving for noodles. Hasan prepared it and kept infront of her and gave her a fork. She started eating and gave him a bite. She was eating fastly.

"Slow down Mrs Hasan, no one is taking it from you." He said with a chuckle making her blush.

"More 3 months to go little Jaan. Then we can team up and annoy your mother together." He said caressing her baby bump with a grin.

"Who said that." She asked with mouthful of noodles making him burst into laughters.

It's been 5 months now. Everyone was so happy and excited listening the news. They were taking extra care of Fatima, she was treated as a princess and no one was making her do a single work. Hasan told her to not to work and take care and rest, she even did as he said for 2 months but she got so bored and started doing her job again.

She wasn't doing much work but doing her best in whatever she does. Aziz and everyone was so happy after listening the news, she was going regularly to her house. Aziz and her relation was getting so much better. He was trying his best to do everything for her.

Hasan became more protective and taking a lot of care. He was doing whatever she says, Fatima was eating more and she became normal than ever. Her nightmares were gone completely and nothing was triggering about her past.

Hasan was spoiling her more and more everyday. They were teasing eachother and enjoying. Fatima was randomly giving him crazy nicknames which makes both of them laugh uncontrollably. She was getting mood swings and Hasan was taking care of it calmly without getting irritated.

Safa was giving them long lectures about how to take care of Fatima and baby. She gave them a big diet chart to follow but Fatima didn't do it a single week. Haya started her job at Hadi's company with Hamid. Hania was also busy in her job. Fatima totally forgot about her past and started her new beautiful life with Hasan and her families.

They were in their room talking and teasing eachother.

"Oww..!!" Fatima clutched her stomach in pain.

"Fathi, Jaan what happened?" He asked worriedly caressing her back.
"Shall we go to hospital."

Fatima pulled his hand and kept it on her stomach. Hasan's eyes widened feeling the baby kick. They both look at eachother and after few seconds burst into laughters.

"Hasan your baby is giving me tough time." She said and leaned on his chest with a smile.

"First of all our baby." He said looking at her.
"And you my little Jaan don't trouble my wife only I've those rights." He said looking at her baby bump, she was smiling cheekily looking at him.

"What happen Jaan?" He asked with a smirk.

"Nothing." She said with a shrug.

She moved towards him and kissed him, he pulled her again and started kissing her while deepening it more. After a minute he pulled himself and kissed all over face.

"It feels nice seeing that I can still make you blush." He said with a smirk pulling her more closer. She was just blushing hard.

"You are really so beautiful butterfly."

"In this." She asked showing her messy bun and her night dress making him chuckle.

"You are beautiful inside and out, no matter if it's your messy bun or straight hairs. No matter what you wear or don't wear at all." She slapped his arm while blushing hard, he chuckled looking at expression.
"So, no matter what in my eyes you will always be beautiful." He said kissing her cheek.

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