Chapter 51.

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It's been fucking 30 hours now and I still couldn't do anything. It's fucking so frustrating, I know Akbar is doing his best but what's the use. There is not a single thing we got to know. He tried to track her phone but it was on some random Street broken down completely.

He even tracked the car but it was found abandoned near the lake. He interrogate Danish still found nothing. He said he don't even remember Fathi's face and it was a one time after that they never contacted. There is nothing and I'm just sitting here without doing anything.

I want my world back or else I'll burn this fucking world.

A knock came on the door snapping me back to the real world. I just ignored it and the door got opened, I didn't even looked back to see who was there.

"Hasan." It was Ammi.

"Bete eat something, you haven't eaten a single bite."

"Ammi, I don't want."

"You need energy Hasan to find her. Atleast drink something."

"Ammi, please."

"Okay, I'm keeping the juice, drink it for fatima's sake." She said and I heard the door closing. I went out to station after offering my Salah. Ya Allah give us some lead.

He was sitting on his chair and shouting on his phone. He signed me to sit and I just sat there.

"You look like shit. Have you ate something."

"I don't feel like."

"Okay." He said and called someone. He ordered the food and looked at me.

"We are gonna find her."


"C'mon man don't lose hope."

"Akbar, it's more than 30 hours now and I'm sitting here doing nothing.." I was saying further but the call interrupted me.

I looked at the caller id, it was unknown number. I picked the call and the colour drained from my body. Akbar signed me to keep the call on speaker and I did.

"Hello hello hello going to be daddy."

"Where is Fatima."

"Oh wow see your anger, wanna hear something." He said and laughed loudly.

Akbar called his colleagues and started tracking the phone.

With that a scream echoed in the room and my world scattered making my whole body to shaken up. My breathing were getting heavy and another scream with a whimper came. Blood really drained from my veins.

"Did you enjoyed it?"

I was just numb feeling nothing. Her echoes were screaming in my head again and again like a loop. I'm struck at my words.

"Don't touch fucking bastard don't you dare touch her. I'll kill you, I'll fucking kill you motherfucker."

He started laughing making my blood to boil again.

"Touch? I didn't only touched her, I... you know. It was so fun to get her back."

"What the fuck do you want?"

He again started laughing.

"Nothing." He said and laughed again.

"I can give you money all you want. Don't touch her."

"There is one thing I want."

"Fucking tell me bastard."

"Your wife."

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