Chapter 38.

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"Lunch is ready." Hamid shouted from living room.

He received a coming from every corner. Fatima was helping them to set the table and everyone gathered with a smile. Hania came with a grin and sat on the chair.

"Hania can you get the water." Hasan said.

She got up and was about to go in the kitchen, but Hasan and Hamid carried her and ran outside and throwed her in the swimming pool.

"Wait and watch you dumb heads." She said standing in the pool.

They were just laughing looking at her. Everyone came to look at them and started laughing uncontrollably looking at hania.
Hasan gave a hand for her to get out and she took it and got out, but as soon as she was out he pushed her again laughing like crazy.

"You still fall for it." Hamid said in between his laughs.

Hasan and Hamid high fied each other laughing crazily.

"You are gonna regret it." She said and got out. Water was dripping from her clothes.

"Don't come inside with that water, I'll bring the towel." Laiba said going in.

"She loves her house more than me." Hania said with a sneez making everyone laugh again.

Everyone went to kitchen and sat on the dining table and hania went straight to her room to change her clothes. She came after 10 minutes while glaring at her brothers.
Everyone ate their food and praised the boys.

Day went in a blink and it was around 9 pm. They ate their dinner and was sitting in the living room.

"I want to tell you all something." Haya said looking at everyone.

"What is it bete.?" Hadi asked.

"I want to apologise everyone.." she was saying further but Hamid interrupted her.

"No need of that haya." Hamid said.

"Yes." Hasan said joining him.

"No, I've to say you all this. I can't just pretend and be like I've done nothing. I'm sorry Rumaisa and Hamid for hurting you with my words and keeping you away from your families,I thought you snatched my brother cause after your marriage he never talked to me for once so I blamed everything on you." She said with tears.

"We forgave you." Rumaisa said caressing her back with a smile.

"You all knew everything I did to Rumaisa but Fatima.." she was saying but Fatima interrupted her.

"Please, don't say it and I already forgot about it." She said trying to stop her from saying.

"You are really so sweet and innocent but I've to tell this. I don't want to feel burdened for the rest of my life thinking about that."

"I forgot about that and it was between us. Why do you want to tell everyone. It was in past didi. Just forget it." She said trying her best to stop her from saying.

"Fatima 4 days ago is not a past. I was the one who throwed the glass on her feet. To be honest I really didn't mean to hurt her but I was just scaring her. But after seeing her state I felt so guiltly and tried to apologise her then only but I was coward and the other day when we all got to know the actual truth about 7 years ago I was drowning in my own guilt. I used to hate her before because I thought even after she ran away and all, Hasan still love her, care for her and respect her and on the other hand I was trying my best so that Danish can love me but he didn't and I got jealous of Fatima and took all my frustrations on her. I know my reasons are not justified. Two times I hurted you physically and I don't even remember how many times I hurted you with my words. I'm so sorry Fatima, I know I can't just make this work just by words but I'm really ashamed of my actions. Please if you can try can you forgive me." She said with tears rolling down her eyes.

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