Chapter 55.

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It's been a week now of Hania's marriage. They got so emotional when she was leaving. But now everything is back to normal, Hania is so happy in her house. Asif and his family are so supportive and so kind. Yes it's just a week but they all were so nice.

Hania felt comfortable around them and liked their company. She and Aiman became really close as they have only 1 year difference. However Asif is 4 years older than her. He is so funny, like her and a little prankster like her.

They are just exact copy of eachother but difference in gender. He only have a sister and his parents. In this week they all went to four hotels and 2 dates. Hania was getting so comfortable around him. All the doubts she had earlier is now vanished in thin air.

She visited only once to Hadi's mansion and after a month or two she will work back in Asif's company. On the other hand here, everyone was trying their best to lighten up eachothers mood. Zara and Hadi were mostly off.

Hasan and Hamid call and check every alternate day. Just talking randomly and asking if she is happy. They were just scared because of everything happened in their lives, they can't still come up with all that.

"Guess what." Fatima asked excitedly going in Hasan's room.

"What Jaan?" He asked closing his laptop and giving her the full attention.

"Hania is coming today."

"No way."

"Yes way, it's a little surprise for everyone but I just spoiled it for you so that we can go back before midnight." She said with a grin.

"But still I'll pretend." He said with a smirk.

Fatima went to him and hopped on the table sitting infront of him.


"Yes my Jaan." He said moving his chair infront of her.

"There is this surgery where I have to put a stunt in one of the artery. I want to do it myself but I don't want to risk anything what should I do?"

"One day or the other you have to do it alone without supervision. Let's do that today, I'll assist you today and guide you a little if you need it." He said calmly caressing her hands and kissing her knuckles.

"Thank you jaanum, love you."

"Love you too cutie." He said getting up from his seat. He moved a little closer towards and she started blushing even after more than 2 years of their marriage.

Hasan smirked at her and started kissing her, one hand around her waist and other at the back of her neck. Her hands were resting on his shoulders, with that a knock came interrupting them. Hasan groaned but didn't left her, she tapped his shoulder and he left after few more seconds.

"Why the hell we get distrubance everytime." He said little annoyed making Fatima to giggle. She jumped down and sat under his table, Hasan looked at her amused. He raised his eyebrows and she just giggled silently. Hasan shook his head with a grin and sat on the chair infront of her.

"Come in." He said making his expressions cold and blank.

"Dr Hasan, there is something I want to talk." It was Sadaf, Fatima rolled her eyes listening her cringe voice. She was touching Hasan's knees trying to make a ticklish feeling with a smirk, he was trying so hard not to laugh. He held both of her hands with his one hand even without glancing at her.

"What?" He asked coldly, Fatima was about to giggle but controlled.

"Can we talk somewhere else please."

"No, talk here."

Fatima furrowed her eyebrows and stopped doing childish things to tease him. She became silent listening the bitch.

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