Chapter 3

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Pretty sure it's morning because the rays of the sun are directly on my face. Well, Good Morning then. I got up and I was rather pretty early as usual. My head ached a little from the hangover but I didn't throw up. So it was a good sign. I went to take a hot shower and waxed my legs. I choose to wear a baby pink top with three-quartered striped jeans and my iconic platform heels. I accessorized my outfit with a blazer to look more formal and appealing by everyone in my office. By the time I was prepared for my office, I still had half an hour but I didn't care and heeded to Portage Bay Cafe. It is an awesome place. I saw an empty seat at the far end of the room and I head and sat. The waitress reaches to me. " Hello ma'am. What shall I get for you?". I haven't chosen yet but for the time being give me a glass of water. I am thirsty. "Surely ma'am" and she gives me a bottle of water in just a split second. I opened the bottle and the door unlocked.
Oh my god I think I knew him and I have forgotten about him . I waved at him and he saw me and gleams with his sexy smile. He reaches up to me and I ask him to join and he certainly gives in. Hi. I'm sorry for my behaviour. I have never had so much and I was completely out of my mind. It was so awkward. "Oh no! Don't be sorry. It happens occasionally and you were a great show last night. Well, I'm Lorenzo, nice to meet you". I'm Lynn, and nice to meet you too. Are you here for someone? "Yes, I'm here for the person whose name is Breakfast ". I couldn't help but giggle. His jaw tenses. Well, me too and why don't you join me?. He looks at me and thinks something and then he nods his head in agreement. The waitress reappears and brats her eyelashes towards Lorenzo and I don't know why but I feel a little jealous although he's still a stranger to me who has coincidentally crossed my paths two consecutive days. Lorenzo just happens to keep looking at me expectantly and I'm sure he has something in his big head. I'll take bacon, cheese sandwiches and scrambled eggs and what do you want? I asked Lorenzo. "You". Umm wh -what? He clears his throat . "Whatever you want it's okay for me". Our plates have been filled and I'm so hungry I can't stop eating. I looked up at him and find him laughing at me. Lorenzo, it's really weird and I know it but I'm starving. Please don't mind my manners. "Not at all and you look very cute while gobbling down your food ". I can't stop my blush anyway.
Our breakfast was done and I was full. I was about to pay for our breakfast when he touches my wrist and stops me. An electric surge flashes between us and he leaves my hand immediately. I'm pretty sure he could sense it as well. "I'll pay the bill and no argument" and he gives his card. The man has a Black Card? How rich is he?  I kept looking at him. He's like a good vibe around but i could feel the words off limits screaming at me. Now I'll be in debt to him. Well, thank you once again for the breakfast. "My pleasure ". And that's how we part ways not expecting any more catch ups together. I arrived office on time. I went to reception and told the receptionist that I'm the new employee whom they are anticipating today. The girl in the reception called someone and asked me to wait. After 2 minutes another girl shows up from behind me. "I think you are Miss. Lynnete Eto, right?". Lynn please and we shake hands. "Okay, I'm Scarlet, your boss's secretary. I'll show you your cabin and will entrust you with the assignments .  We took the elevator and went to the second floor and there was my cabin, big and airy and well-modernized. I sat on my chair and Scarlet told me every detail about work and I got it well. I was expecting a quick interview but they seem to be overloaded with work and somehow wanted someone to take some of their work and finish it off.
Time passed fast and I was exhausted. My shoulders were killing me. I had completed my task and went to have a coffee. I asked Scar where will I submit my work and she told me to keep all the files in my boss's cabin. I went to my boss's room for the very first time and he was talking to someone. I can't see his face and he was talking to someone on his phone while facing the opposite side." Excuse me, sir, may I come in? I need to keep the files". He didn't turn or said anything but gestured for me to come in. I got in, kept the files, thanked him and left. My boss gave me the typical I'm too busy for a smile boss vibes and I don't know for how many days will I be able to work under him. It was closing time. I packed up, bid goodbye to Scarlet and went home.
From my office to my hotel, it takes only 5 minutes to walk. I was pretty exhausted so first, I went to the lobby to have my dinner and then I'll go to my room and sleep until I start dreaming was my plan. Dinner was good. I pretty much ordered extra than I usually eat. Lunch was missed by me and my tummy was empty. Well, I ate everything that was on my plate and I think I haven't tasted any of them because I was swallowing without even giving a damn shit about the taste. I went to the elevator and I didn't need to wait a long. As soon as the door opened, I tried to get in but I was knocked off by someone. I looked up and it was him, Lorenzo. I'm so sorry I didn't see you. "Don't be, cause me neither had seen you so it was both of our faults equally". He stood up and helped me get on my feet. He flashes his killer smile once again at me and I can't wait to kiss him. Well, I should not think that. "Good night, Lorenzo". "Good night, sweetheart" and there's me all shocked to hear that response, blushing so hard that my cheeks are looking like smeared red and the elevator door close between us.

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