Chapter 21

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Lorenzo couldn't believe his luck. After months of hard work and dedication, his business had finally turned a profit. He had secured a major deal with a new client, and it looked like things were only going to get better from here.

As he sat in his office, going over the numbers, he couldn't help but think about Lynn. He wanted to share the good news with her, to celebrate with her.

But he also had something else on his mind. He wanted to ask her to fly with him to Paris for a week-long vacation. He had been planning it for weeks, but he was nervous about how she would react.

Just then, Ryan, his stepbrother, walked into his office. Ryan was a successful businessman in his own right, and Lorenzo often turned to him for advice.

"Hey, Lorenzo," Ryan said, taking a seat in one of the chairs across from him. "Congratulations on the new deal. I heard it's going to be a big one."

"Yeah, it's pretty exciting," Lorenzo replied, feeling a sense of pride wash over him. "But that's not why you're here, is it?"

Ryan chuckled. "No, it's not. I heard that you're planning on asking Lynn to fly to Paris with you for a week-long vacation."

Lorenzo felt a sense of unease settle in his stomach. He had hoped to keep it a secret, but he should have known better than to think that Ryan wouldn't find out.

"Yeah, I am," Lorenzo replied, feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Well, that's great news," Ryan said, a smile spreading across his face. "Have you talked to her about it yet?"

Lorenzo shook his head. "No, I haven't. I'm not sure how to bring it up."

Ryan leaned forward in his chair. "Well, why don't you just ask her straight out? Tell her that you've been planning this for a while, and that you would love for her to come with you."

Lorenzo considered his stepbrother's advice. It sounded simple enough, but he was still nervous about how Lynn would react.

"What if she says no?" Lorenzo asked, feeling a sense of dread wash over him.

Ryan shrugged. "Then she says no. You can't force someone to go on vacation with you. But if she does say yes, then you'll have a great time together."

Lorenzo nodded, feeling a sense of clarity wash over him. Ryan was right. He needed to be honest with Lynn, and tell her how he felt.

As Ryan got up to leave, Lorenzo thanked him for his advice. He felt a sense of gratitude wash over him, knowing that he could always count on his stepbrother for support and guidance.

Feeling more confident, Lorenzo picked up his phone and dialed Lynn's number. As the phone rang, he felt his heart beating faster and faster.

"Hey, Lynn," he said, when she picked up. "I have something I really want to talk to you about."

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