Chapter 6

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Everything is okay or so what I should say. I'm stuffed with a lot of work. Scarlet is too working. Her cabin is just beside me. The morning somehow passed and the sun was overhead and I'm too hungry. I completed most of the work and went to Scarlet's cabin. Hi, Scarlet. "Call me Scar that's better", she advised. Scar will you mind going out to a restaurant for lunch?, I asked. " I am all yours when the question is about food or shopping". She winked back at me and we planned to go to the restaurant just near our office.
We sat at a seat near the pool which is the most beautiful thing about this place. We ordered for Chicken burrito with rice and bean. We were cheerfully having our lunch when I saw Scar got all tensed and was looking at me or I guessed behind me. I turn around to see Lorenzo in his black formal suit.  Was Scar looking at Lorenzo? If yes then why did she look all pale as if she had seen a ghost?.I stood up and he was approaching toward us. Hi Lorenzo, well what a pleasure to have you. Nowadays it has become an usual thing isn't it? Bumping into each other every now and then? He was out of words which is true. From the past few days we have been coincidentally or unexpectedly meeting each other in different places. It felt as if the universe was wanting to keep us together somehow. Why don't you join us?. I turned to Scar and ask her whether she would mind if Lorenzo joins us and she nodded in agreement. Okay let me introduce you to each other. So, this is Scarlet my friend and Scar this is Lorenzo. They both smile at each other. There was something off in Scar's attitude. She became a bit clumsy and rarely conversed. Maybe asking Lorenzo to join in was afterall not a good idea. I think I owe her another dine out without any involvement of any man. We ordered Caramel-Cloaked chocolate Hazelnut Torte for our dessert. We finished our lunch and Lorenzo didn't let me pay so he paid the bill again. Every time he uses his black card my brain start thinking possibilities of him being a mafia or someone who does illegal stuff just like men in dark mafia romance books. Afterall he looks too good to be true kinda person.  We bid him goodbye and returned to the office.
We were done with the work by six. It's a small walk from my office to my hotel so I don't take out my car and now my hands are longing to touch my car. Luckily the delivery of my car was way faster than I had expected. I got into the hotel and found Lorenzo waiting for someone. Are you waiting for someone? I asked. "O god, finally you came and I was waiting for you. I just want to be with you." He took me by my wrist and got in the elevator. We didn't speak in the elevator and I couldn't find one single reason behind what he was trying to do. The tension was there and the silence was too loud. When we reached the fifth floor, he takes my hand and leads me into his room. Which is way too generic of a word what this is. Lorenzo is staying in the biggest suite the hotel has to offer. Not just a room.
He leads me into the living area that has floor-to-ceiling views of the lights of downtown Washington. "Would you like some wine? Or anything for that matter? We can order room service if you'd like." He was trying to impress me or something but then he was pretty nervous as he was sweating and his hands were shaking visibly. A glass of wine is great. I sit on the couch and cross my legs, watching Lorenzo walks around the space, open the fridge and pull out a bottle of wine. He uncorks and pours and then passes me a glass. He's a tall man, with long limbs and broad shoulders. His white shirt hugs his muscles when he takes off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves.
God, I love the way a man looks in a white shirt with rolled sleeves. And then, I saw a tattoo which got revealed on one of his arms. He sips his drink watching me. "Tell me about yourself," he says as he sits across from me. I was not expecting such a question. I feel like I'm in a job interview. "I am not interviewing. I just want to get to know you." Why? He lifts an eyebrow. "Because I'm interested and that means I want to know more. You are a beautiful woman, Lynette". Thank you. I am a very simple girl from New Orleans. I was always been good in school but after college, my mom and dad got divorced. My mom is currently dating a guy and there's Kat my best friend who has always been with me helping me to overcome my past. Oh, don't ask about my past 'cause it's past and I don't want to replay that part of my life. He narrows his eyes as if he wasn't satisfied with me not discussing the event that has happened to me in the past. I on the other side said way more than I was willing to share and it's because of the wine. I have lost count but it tastes so good.
He stands and guides me to my feet. Are we headed to the bedroom? I ask, Or are you kicking me out because I had a past? "We'll get to the bedroom. And I think I can find it in my heart to forgive your past." You are a kind man with the mouth of the devil. "I'm not, no." He frowns. "You have no idea what that mouth does when put to work". I choked on my saliva. "I'd like to dance with you." You can dance?, I asked with full surprise. "Yes, I can but I never have. Until tonight."

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